I want my sister back

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Katherine's: POV

"You're ten mintues late, Mrs. Jackson." said Jane strictly. "Do I look like I care?" I asked sassy. "Don't use that tone." she said. "Are you wearing your grandmother's clothes?" I asked with a laugh. "That's enough, detention." said Jane. "Sorry, but I've plans with my boyfriend today." I replied and went to my seat.

"You're so badass." said Cain. "Thank you babe." I replied and kissed him. A girl was annoying me. I threw her on the floor and kicked her. Her lip burst and the blood ran. I grapped her throat and squeezed it hard.

"The headmaster's office now." said Jane. "Don't tell me what to do." I replied coldly. I stabbed her until it was blood everywhere. She fell lifeless to the floor. Students and teachers ran up to her and someone called an ambulance. I ran out.


We returned back home to me. I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. I took out a bottle of wine and drank Cain drank as well.

"Dad says you're not allowed to drink

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"Dad says you're not allowed to drink." said Emily. "Like I care about her damn rules." I replied and took out another bottle. "Do you want to play with me?" she asked.

"Grow up Emily, you're not a child anymore." I said coldly. "I miss the happy you." she replied sadly. "The happy me was so lame and boring." I said. "I liked the happy you." replied Emily.

I lost my temper. I threw her against the wall and she screamed. Tears welled up in her eyes. Blood ran from her forehead. I realized what I had done. "Em, I didn't mean it." I said. She was shaking of fear. "I want my sister back." she replied and ran crying to her room.

Katherine never meant to hurt Emily

I hope you liked the chapter


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