I'm worried about Billy

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Adam's: POV

I went to the kitchen. Jack and our kids were sitting at the table and ate breakfast. Emily smiled happily when she saw me. I love my family with all my heart. I would do anything to protect them.

 I would do anything to protect them

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"Good morning kids." I said. "Morning dad." replied Katherine and Emily. Scooby licked my hand. "Morning to you too." I said and patted him. I sat down next to Jack and made myself a sandwich.

"Have you heard anything from Billy?" asked Jack. "Georgia called me yesterday and told me that he had catch a cold." I said. "I hope he feels better soon." he replied. "I feel for Georgia, she's bullied at her school. Raven and her gang bullying her for living outside the city. They also make fun of her because her dad is a trucker." said Katherine. "I hope Billy has a serious talk with the principal." I replied.


I drove off to my job. I parked my car outside the police station. I walked in and mom greeted me.

"Good morning Adam." said Olivia. "Morning mom." I replied. She saw something was wrong. I told her what I've heard.

"People makes me mad sometimes." said Olivia. "I'm worried about Billy." I replied. "Georgia told me he had catch a cold." she said. "I drop by after work. Just to make sure everything's fine with him." I replied. "You're a good brother to him. I'm so happy to have you and Billy as my sons." said Olivia. "Thank you mom." I replied. "You're welcome." she said.

"I still don't know who the killer is. I want to find the person before more people gets killed." I replied. "Just be careful." said Olivia. "I promise mom." I replied. "Good." she said.

Adam will protect his family with his life

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