I love you so much

14 4 17

Timothee: POV

"Tim, breakfast's ready." called dad. I pulled the cover over my face and groaned. I heard dad came into my room. "Rise and shine sleepyhead." he said.

"Five more minutes

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"Five more minutes." I replied sleepy. He pulled back the covers. "We can at least have one family breakfast" said Adam. "I'm coming." I replied. "Good." he replied and walked downstairs.

I changed to my outfit and went downstairs. I went to the kitchen and made myself breakfast. My siblings were sitting at the table A cup of hot chocolate stood next to Emily. Jack fed Luna.

"Slept well?" asked dad. "Yes." I said. "Me too." she replied with a smile on her face. I took a bite of my sandwich and yawned. "What's your plans for today?" he asked. "I'll go to a bar." I said and he looked at me. "Don't get drunk, you've school tomorrow." he reminded me. "I won't drink anything, I promise." I said. "I know." he repiled.


I met a man at the bar. His name was Ezra Fitz and he was very handsome.

(Ezra Fitz)

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(Ezra Fitz)

I was sitting on the countertop inside the restroom. Ezra his arm around my waist. "I love you so much." he said and kissed me. "I love you more." I replied and kissed him back. Then we went to another room and made out.

Tim will get shock tomorrow in school

I hope you liked the chapter


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