She's a little shy

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Billy's: POV

It was Lily's first day at kindergarten. She was excited, but also scared. She hugged her doll tightly. We walked in and a woman came up to us. Lily was shy and scared.

"Hello, my name is Stephenie Bennett." she said. "I'm Billy Benson and this is my daughter Lily." I replied. She turned her head away and cried. "She's a little shy." I said. "It's totally okay." replied Stephenie softly. We walked into a room and I sat down Lily on the carpet.


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"Look sweetie, they've a Cinderella doll." I said and showed her. She gently took the doll and played with her. "Daddy, you're invited to my tea party." replied Lily. "How lovely. I said. "Flower and Cinderella can't wait any longer." she replied. "Mrs. Cuddle is so grateful that she was invited." I said. Lily smiled happily. I love my daughter with all my heart.

"I've a surprise for you." I said. "I love surprises." replied Lily. "Close your eyes." I said. She closed her eyes and smiled. I lay a light blue music box in her hands. She opened her eyes and screamed happily.

"It's Ariel's music box and Melody's locket

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"It's Ariel's music box and Melody's locket." replied Lily. "I know how much you wanted it." I said. "Thank you daddy." she replied and hugged me. "You're welcome." I said.


"Sleep well." I said and went out from her room. I felt two hands on my hips and saw my beloved fiancé. "Did you had fun today?" asked David. "Yes." I said. "You seem worried about something." he replied. "I'm worried that Lily will be bullied." I said. "Aww." he replied.

Lily started at a new preschool

I hope you liked the chapter


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