I'm always here if you want to talk

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Adam's: POV

I was undercover and I was standing outside the brothel. I knocked on the door. A man opened and smiled at me.

"Welcome." he said. "Thank you." I replied. "I hope you find a boy you like." said Jasper. "I'm sure I will." I replied. I gave him some money too. The boys stood in line waiting to be selected. I noticed Oliver.

"I take the blonde boy." I said. "Oliver is busy tonight, I'm afraid." replied Jasper. "I take him." I said in a determined voice. "Fine."
he replied. He pushed him to me.

Oliver lead me to a room. I took off my disguise and he gasped. "Adam." he said shocked. "Hey Oliver." I replied. "But how?" he asked. "I'm gonna save you from this horrible place." I said. "You're risking your life by protecting me." he said. "I'm willing to take that risk." I replied and he smiled. "You're very brave." said Oliver. "Thank you." I replied. He stroked my cheek.

"I'm married." I said. "I'm sorry." replied Oliver. "It's okay." I said. "It won't happen again." he replied. "It's fine, I swear." I said. He looked down. "I'm sorry Oliver, I didn't mean to raise my voice." I said. "I'm used to it." he replied. "You deserve a better life than this." I said. "I can't return home, my dad will kill me." replied Oliver.


I drove home to Georgia. I found her sitting on a couch outside the house. She was drawing.

(Billy's house)

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(Billy's house)

(Billy's house)

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"Hey Georgia." I said. "Hey Adam." she replied and closed her book. "Are you okay?" I asked worried. "I guess." said Georgia and wiped away a tear. "I'm here for you." I replied and took her hands into my hands. She smiled softly. "Thank you." she said and hugged me.

The door opened and Billy and Hayley came out. She was so happy to see me. Billy had a bandage around his hand.

"I hurt my hand when I fixed my truck." lied Billy. "Georgia told me you had catch a cold." I said. "Yes, but I feel better now." he replied. I knew he was hiding something. "I'm always here if you want to talk." I replied. "I know." said Billy.

Billy doesn't want to lie to Adam

I hope you liked the chapter


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