It makes me so happy

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Adam's: POV

"Hello sweetie." I said happily and Luna hugged me. "Let's go to the playground." I said. We went to the playground where the other children were playing with their parents.

 We went to the playground where the other children were playing with their parents

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"What do you want to do?" I asked and she pointed at a slide. I smiled and picked her up. She sat in my lap and laughed on the way down. Jack picked up her in his arms and danced with her. Tired parents looked at us and wondered how we could've so much energy. We played with our daughter and they shook their heads.


After an hour of playing she fell asleep in her stroller. She was holding her Michael Jackson doll against her chest. I walked back home and put her down in her cot. "I love you so much and I'll always do." I said and kissed her forehead. Luna smiled and I went quietly out from the room.


Amir's: POV

"Hey Amir, what are you doing?" asked Emily. "Record my new album." I said. "I can't wait to hear it." she replied. "Me either." said Katherine with a smile on her face. "Papa would be so proud of you." replied Emily. "I know he would." I said and she smiled softly at me.

After that we went to mall to meet up Adam. We were stopped by fans and I wrote autographs and took pictures with them. I love my fans so much.

"Thank you so much Amir." said a girl. "You're so welcome sweetie." I replied and gave her a hug. "I'll remember this day forever." said Minnie. "It makes me so happy." I replied with a smile on my face.

Thank you glitterybearforever for being in my book

Adam and Jack are wonderful parents to Luna

I hope you liked the chapter


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