Tim's nightmare

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Tim's: POV

I was walking in the corridor and students gave me strange glances. I passed a group of girls who whispered about me. "Follow me." said the principal. I followed her to her office. I had a worried lump in my stomach.

"Do you have a relationship with Mr. Litz?" asked Maria. "Yes." I said. "You know for sure that it's forbidden and illegal." she replied. "I know that." I said. "I have to call your dad and you're suspended." replied Marie. "What will happen to Ezra?" I asked worried. "He'll spend the rest of his life in jail." she said.

I ran out of the office in tears. The door to Ezra's classroom opened and out came two police officers. After them came Ezra's in handcuffs.

He looked at me and tears were rolling down my cheeks. They led him out of school. I ran after them, but he was already in the police car. I saw them drove away. I fell down on my knees and tears were now streaming down my face.

 I fell down on my knees and tears were now streaming down my face

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I woke up by my own scream. I was covered in sweat and I was breathing heavily.

"Shhh, you're okay, it was just a nightmare." said Ezra. "It felt so real." I sobbed. "What was it about?" he asked.

"I saw two police officers came out of your classroom with you. You were in handcuffs and they led you to the police car. You were arrested for having a relationship with a underage student." I said.

"I won't let that happen, baby, I'm here for you." replied Ezra. "I love you." I said and kissed him. "Love you too." he replied and kissed me back. He kissed my forehead and I fell asleep in his arms. "Sleep now my love." he whispered.

It was just a nightmare

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