They're leaving town now

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Emile's: POV

There were a lot of people at the bar and rock music was played from the loudspeaker. I hadn't found someone I liked yet, but I have time.

"Hello there." said a man. I jumped and I accidentally spilled out my glass of tequila on him. "Omg, I'm so sorry." I said. "No it's my fault, I didn't mean to scare you." he replied. "I'm Emile." I said. "I'm Ben." he said and shook my hand.

" he said and shook my hand

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"Are you single?" I asked hopefully. "Yes I am." said Ben. "That's good to know." I replied. "Are you flirting with me?" he asked. "Maybe." I said with a smirk. "Come." he replied. We went to a empty room and kissed.


"I know we've just met, but we're soulmates and we are meant to be together." I said. "I would love to be your boyfriend." replied Ben. "Same here." I said and he smiled softly. "Have a nice evening Emile." replied Ben and gave me a note before he left. I opened the note and he had wrote his address and phone number. A smile spread on my lips and I couldn't wait to see him again.

I was on the way home when I hid behind a tree. I saw Oliver coming out of the brothel and he was holding a garbage bag. He had blood stains on his face. An old man was with him.

"Albert Shaw." I said quietly. He opened the tailgate of the car and put the garbage bag there. He closed it and got into the car. He started the engine and drove off. I picked up my phone and called Adam.

"I just saw Oliver leaving the brothel with Albert, he works for him

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"I just saw Oliver leaving the brothel with Albert, he works for him." I said. "What?" he asked. "They're leaving town now." I said.

Emile found out Oliver's secret

I hope you liked the chapter


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