Stress is not good for you

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Adam's: POV

"Papa." said Emily happily. "Good morning sweetheart." replied Jack with a smile on his face. I came downstairs and I was a bit stressed. "Papa drive you to school today, I'm late for my job." I said. I gave my kids a quick hug and Jack kissed me.

"Don't forget your coffee, darling." he said and handed me my travel mug. "Thanks." I replied. "See you later." he said. He kissed me again before he left. I drove off to my job. I parked my car and walked in. The room started spinning. I grapped a chair and I was breathing heavily.

"Adam, are you okay?" asked Olivia worried. "I'm fine." I said. "I think it's best if you sit down." replied Elliot. I took a step back and fell to the floor. "ADAM" screamed Olivia. I passed out and everything went black.

 I passed out and everything went black

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I heard voices around me. I tried to open my eyes, but the bright light were stabbing my eyes. I opened them again and saw Nadine.

"Where am I?" I asked confused. "At the hospital." she said. "What happened?" I asked. "You passed out at work." said Nadine. "Not again." I replied. "Adam, I suggest you take time off from work." she said. "But the children needs me." I replied. "Stress is not good for you or your health." said Nadine.

"The job is killing me. I don't want to be a svu detective anymore." I replied. "You need a calm job without stress." she said. "But I'm scared." I replied. "It's okay to be scared." said Nadine. "Thank you for being here for me." I replied and she smiled.


Sabrina's: POV

"Will Adam be okay?" I asked. "He needs to rest, he's very stressed." said Nadine. "Poor thing." I replied. "I feel for him." she said. I gave her a hug. "You're a good friend to him." said Nadine.

Thank you glitterybearforever for being in my book

I feel for Adam

I hope you liked the chapter


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