Surgery (Sokeefe)

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Picture above is by Sasharcyreal on tumbler

(Sophie pov)

Sophie sat nervously inside of Elwin's office along with the rest of her friends waiting for the news.

Well...all of her friends but one. He was the one lying on a cot in the main room of the Healing Center.

Keefe had severely gotten injured during their last battle, and they weren't sure if he was going to make it. Lady Giselle had finally gotten sick of him not cooperating with her, so she decided to take a dagger to his heart.

Sophie barely had enough time to get him to the Healing Center before his pulse had stopped. Elwin called Livy for backup and started to do CPR. They managed to get his pulse running again, but he'd been in critical condition since.

Even the elvin medicine on its own wasn't cutting it. Mr. Forkle had to bring in all sorts of machines and medical equipment for Keefe to be hooked up to.

Even at that, Elwin wasn't sure if it'd be enough. Keefe started making small noises and movements that morning, which Sophie immediately assumed was good news, but things aren't always that simple.

He eventually woke up, but he was mostly catatonic, still in his cott. His eyes blue eyes watching as people scrambled around him, checking the monitors on the screens and giving him medicines.

Sophie watched it from his bedside, squeezing his hand as hard as she could. She wasn't sure if he was aware of anything going on around him until his eyes shifted to meet hers and gave her hand the smallest twitch of his finger. Sophie started crying right then.

Now she was crying for a whole different reason. Elwin ushered everyone into his office to not overwhelm Keefe so soon after he woke up. He explained that even if he was awake, they were one arythmia from losing him. For good.

Elwin and Livy left to see if there was anything that could be done for him besides waiting it out and potentially losing him.

Now Sophie was sitting next to Grady and Edaline, tugging out what felt like half of her eyelashes. Edaline took her hand and waited for their gazes to meet.

"He's going to be ok," Edaline reassured her.

"But what if he's not," Sophie sniffled.

"He will be, I promise. He's a fighter. He won't give up that easily." She reached up to wipe a tear off her face.

Elwin finally came through the door, his expression grim. "Well, I've got good news and bad news. Which do you want first."

"Good news!" Everyone yelled.

"Ok. I might've found a way to help. But the problem is... the surgery is incredibly risky."

"We have to try it," Fitz pounded his fist on the armrest.

"I figured you guys would agree, but here's the thing," Elwin moved to lean against his desk. He tapped his pen on his clipboard of notes. "He only has a thirty percent chance of surviving the surgery. With the place the wound is. And by so many vital organs and arteries. It's just... not in his favor."

"What's the odds of him living if he doesn't get the surgery?" Sophie asked.

Elwin looked down at the clipboard again and closed his eyes. He took a big breath before saying, "Slim to none."

"Then it's a no-brainer. The surgery is a higher chance," Biana told him.

"Unfortunately, it's not that simple. Think of it this way. Would you rather pass away with people freaking out anxious about their next move or peacefully next to your friends and family."

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