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(Biana first person POV)

I stared at the girl in the mirror. I've been off of bed rest for a week.

Elixir after elixir. Balm after balm.


Nothing would erase the horrid jagged lines that ran up and down my arms. Down my back and shoulders, and crawled up my neck, creeped towards my face

I tried to cover them, but I wouldn't be able to forever. People would know eventually. How would the Lost cities react to a Vacker being all scarred up by rebels who shouldn't even exist.

I ran a finger down a particularly deep ugly scar. It was like someone drug a plow in a field. Only except instead of soil, it was my flesh.

The physical pain was long gone. But the emotional pain would stay for millenia.

I slid down the tiled wall onto the cool bathroom floor, and curled into myself. A tear fell down my face.

My ugly, scarred face.

I wasn't a pretty, perfect Vacker anymore. I wasn't beautiful.

All I was now was a horrid monster no one would want to befriend.

My friends would shun me. Society scoff at me.

If I wasn't a perfect beautiful Vacker anymore, what am I?

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