new legacy (sokeefe)

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(Sophie pov)

Sophie was up at the crack of dawn shoveling alicorn poop. Even though she'd been doing for nearly 300 years at this point, it was her least favorite chore at the preserve.

After her and Keefe got married, they settled down in a beautiful home that they named Lucent Herth. Silveny and Greyfall, not being able to leave behind their favorite people, followed them with the twins.

With the alicorns living there, the Council made a proposition. That the Fosters start an alicorn preserve. They happily agreed. Now, there was a healthy population of close to 75 alicorns and growing.

Sophie and Keefe, however, took their time with starting their own family. Coincidentally, they had also had twins first go around. Calla and Kenric, which they had named them, had just turned 12. Their youngest, Jolie, was 5. Well, technically, their youngest wasn't born yet. He was 4 months by the elves' way of counting age. And they still wanted a few more after.

Every single day, whenever Sophie was expecting with one of their children, Keefe would whine that she should be resting instead of doing chores. And every single day, Sophie would insist that she was fine and continue, much to his protests.

She wiped the sweat off her brow when she was finished, and headed back inside to wake up Calla and Kenric for school. Keefe came back inside in time to kiss the twins goodbye before heading to Foxfire.

They both cleaned themselves up. They had a little alone time to themselves before Jolie would wake up and come bounding down the stairs, ready to play. She was a bubbly little ball of sunshine that couldn't seem to calm down.

Sophie flopped onto the couch and turned the TV on. She had teleported to the Forbidden Cities a while back to get it. Keefe sat down beside her. He brushed a little hair behind her ear.

"How are you doing, love?" he murmured into her ear.

She giggled. One of her favorite things about running the preserve is that both of them got to work from home. "I'm good, Keefe. Just a little bit tired. You don't need to start the whining."

He rolled his eyes. "Worth a shot."

He wrapped his arms around her, pulling them closer together. She buried her face in the crook of his neck. She could smell his freshly washed hair.

After all the years they'd been together, she never loved him any less. In fact, she loved him more and more every single day. She didn't know that was even possible before, but here she was getting proven wrong.

They pulled away from the snuggles some minutes later when small, fast footsteps pittered down the steps. Jolie jumped and flung herself into Keefe's lap.

He laughed and flipped the two of them on their sides and roared, "Uh oh. You angered the tickle monster!"

Calla squealed with laughter. "Can we go outside to play with the alicorns?"

"Of course, baby girl." He picked her up off of him and set her on the ground so he could get up. "I'll race you!"

He counted to three and the both of them raced off. Sophie heaved herself off the couch and followed after them.

Sophie nestled against the weeping willow tree planted in their backyard. It reminded her of Calla's panake tree. One of the newly born alicorns was settled in her lap. Jolie was sitting next to her staring in awe at the tiny creature. She hesitantly reached out and tapped the tip of his horn.

Sophie chuckled. Keefe made his way over from feeding the alicorns. He plopped down on her other side. He placed a hand on her belly. "Hey Jolie, excited to meet your baby brother."

Her face lit up. "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" She giggled when Keefe leaned down to kiss the tip of her nose."

Sophie whipped her head around. The twins finally leaped home from school, but she didn't like the look on their faces. They looked... sad.

They made their way to the shade of the tree, said a quick hello, and attempted to dart back to the house. Keefe grabbed Kenric's arm, obviously gauging his emotions. His brow furrowed.

"What's wrong?" Keefe asked them.

They both shrugged. Keefe knew they were lying.

"Nuh-uh. Something's up." Keefe stood. He waited for them to say anything. When they didn't, he sighed. "I guess you get that from me. But it's better when you talk about it, I promise. Whatever it is, we can help."

"Ok," Calla murmured. "Can we go inside first?"

"Of course," Sophie told her, taking Keefe's hand as he helped her up.

When they were all on the couch inside and Jolie was sent to her room for privacy, Kenric started to explain, "People were making fun of us."

Sophie's heart dropped into her stomach. "What did they say." She could already feel the rage of her Inflicting bubbling up.

Calla curled in on herself. Kenric tugged on an eyelash before saying, "They were teasing us for our eyes." Both the twins were heterochromic, one eye brown the other an ice blue. "And our abilities," he continued. "They said teleporing was stupid. And only nerds had telepathy that strong so young."

"They also said enhancing was useless," Calla added softly.

They both each had two abilities already. Kenric had Telepathy and Teleporting. Calla was an Empath and an Enhancer.

Sophie started to stand up. "I'll go have a talk to Magnate Leto about this." Keefe placed a hand over hers, stopping her, though she could see the vain in his jaw twitch like whenever he was upset. He turned back to the kids.

"Hey, they only say that stuff because their jealous. You know that, right?"

The twins shrugged again. "They also said something about you guys," Calla told them. "I don't know what they meant, but their exact words, I believe were, 'Aww, you think because your mommy and daddy are special, that means you are too.' What are they talking about?"

Sophie had a feeling never telling them about the war was going to come back to bite her in the but. "Ok, we need to have a talk. Alright?"

Her and Keefe explained to them? in the best way they could, about Lady Giselle and the neverseen. They left out many details that they didn't want the twins to worry about.

When they were done, Kenric said, "They were taunting us about some sort of weird legacy thingy. That's what they were talking about?"

Keefe placed one hand on his son's shoulder, the other on his daughter's. "Yes, it was. It was an awful, horrific thing. But you don't need to worry about that. We already took care of that. The only thing you need to worry about is your own lives. That legacy is long gone. This," Keefe gestured around the room and pointed out the pastures, finally focusing back on the twins. "Is our new legacy. And that's the only thing that matters."

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