Lost Control

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(Marella Pov)

Marella shot up it bed after her nightmare. The Neverseen had tried attacking her parents and killed her mom.

She sat back against the headboard of her bed. She waited for the cold sweat to pour down her back, but only sizzles followed.

She opened her eyes to find herself on fire. She lept out of her bed to find it on fire, too. She screamed.

The fire started to spread to her carpet. Her dad burst through the door. His eyes widened at the flames coating his daughter's bedroom.

Marella turned to face him. She wanted to run out but was afraid the fire would spread if she did. No matter how hard she tried, the fire on her body wouldn't extinguish.

Her father reached for the quicksnuff in the drawer of her dresser. He started to sprinkle it around the doorway so he could step further in.

In Marella's panic, she backed up against the wall. Her fatal mistake.

The fire spread to the curtains. They exploded in flames. Her dad rushed her out of the room and outside so she could cool down.

She took deep breaths once she was outside of the fresh clean air. All she had to do was wait for her parents to come out of the house in smoke ridden clothes and tell her it was all ok. It wasn't the first time she'd accidentally caught something on fire in the middle of a nightmare.

But her mom never came out of the house. Or her dad. The smoke poured out the windows of the house. The fire had spread. She wanted to go in, but she was afraid to make it worse.

After ten minutes, her dad stumbled out the door. Tears were in his eyes. The flames licked out the blackened door. He hugged Marella and assured her it wasn't her fault.

"What wasn't my fault? Where's mom?" she screamed. He tightened his hold. "Where’s mom?" She whispered her repetition, already knowing the answer.

He took a deep breath. "She didn't want to leave the room. Too disorientated to realize what was happening. I tried to help her, but she kept fighting me. I'm so sorry, Marella. She didn't make it out of the fire."

Marella's knees collapsed. Her mom had died. In her fire. It was all her fault.

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