No, not her

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(Wylie Pov)

Wylie was sitting on the couch with his father. They were just enjoying each other's company, playing card games.

That was until Prentice's imparter rang. He paused the game so he could answer. Wylie got concerned when his dad's face fell.

After the call, Wylie asked, "What's wrong?"

"We-we need to go to your aunt's. Now."

He didn't like the sound of that one bit.

When they glittered in the yard of his aunt house he saw his aunt and uncle in tears. He tried to see where Maruca was, but he didn't see her.

His aunt ran over and threw her arms around them. What was going on?

When his aunt pulled back, she saw Wylie's confused face. "The Neverseen attacked."

"Who did they hur-"

He knew who it was before finishing hus sentence.

His heart picked up pace, and his eyes burned. "Is she ok?"

His aunt let out another sob and held him tighter.

"Is she ok. Is she in the Healing center?" he reiterated.

She pulled away and shook her head. His heart sunk when she pulled out a small seed with a black curly hair curled around it.

"No," he muttered. "No, no, no, not her. Please tell me it's not her. That there's a mistake."

She shook her head. "The planting is Thursday."

Wylie felt sick to his stomach. "What."

He reached for his dad. His aunt wiped her eyes. "Her body was... unrecognizable. She got blown up with those rocks that lady Giselle has. A few others are in the Healing center right now.

Wylie clenched his fists. "Who?"

She sighed. "Sophie, Tam, and Marella. They got caught in the outskirts of the blast. From what I hear, their injuries are pretty severe, but I don't believe fatal. They were trying to save her, but it was too late."

He dug the heels of his palms into his eyes to block the imagery from his brain, but it wasn't helping. "I'm gonna kill em," he muttered.

The neverseen had already taken his mom, part of the reason his dad was in exile. Now his cousin. He wouldn't feel bad about hurting any of them anymore. He was ready to kill.

That vow was reassured at the planting when Maruca's tree sprouted from the ground. It had dark brown bark and leaves, with aquamarine flowers. The tree being itself was quite tall.

Sophie, Tam, and Marella were obviously not able to make it. Although he did go to visit them after the planting.

Elwin let him off with a warning before he came in. "It's... pretty bad. Probably the worst injuries I've seen."

He went in anyway and immediately fought back a gag. Sophie's arm was half mangled, same with Tam's leg, and Marella's shoulder.

He took another breath before saying, "Hey."

"Hey," Tam mumbled.

Wylie sat on an empty cott. "How are you guys doing?"

Marella snorted. "Great, thanks."

He turned to Sophie. "Hey."

She finally met his eyes. "I'm so sorry." Tears fell down her face.

He wrapped his arms around himself. "It's not your fault."

"But... you told me to not let her join the black swan."

"Listen, I know how stubborn she is. I knew she would've joined anyway. I was just wanting a little hope." He wiped away one of his tears.

"But..." She murmured. "I've already ruined your life. Your dad went to exile because of me, and-"

"Sophie!" He sniffled. "It's not your fault. None of it is. You tried your best to save her. Look where you are right now! Don't feel guilty. After all the things you accomplished, don't break from guilt. Please," Wylie's voice cracked. "It's what she'd want."

Sophie nodded and used her good hand to wipe her tears off her face. "Ok. I'll try my best."

"Thank you," he murmured. "Also for trying to save her. All of you," he said also to Tam and Marella. "Just know, I'm sure she'd appreciate it." He chuckled darkly and looked up at the ceiling. "She always said she wanted to go out with a bang." Wylie rested his head down in his hands. "But... thank you."

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