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Again based off a theory for Keefe in the Forbidden Cities

(Dane pov)

There was a knock on the door to the hotel room. Dane groaned and buried his face in his pillow.

His door cracked open. It was Keefe. He rubbed his eyes and mumbled, "I'm getting it."

He closed the door back. Dane tried to go back to sleep, until he heard the sound of several voices.

Sleep was a lost cause now. Might as well be nosey.

When he got up, he trudged to the doorway that separated the hallway of bedrooms to the main living space. He pressed his ear against the door.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see a tuff of black hair walking out of the bathroom.

"Luke," he said to get his attention. "Come here. There's people here, and I want to be nosey."

Luke padded over and asked, "Who's here?"

Dane shrugged. "I don't know. I think they're here for Keefe. He hasn't come to get us yet, so I don't know."

"It's not those neversaw people, is it?" Luke said while crouching by the door.

"Nah, I'm sure we would've heard yelling." He strained his ears to hear something. He gasped and shushed Luke.

"There's a freaky shadow tracker ripple thing in my heart!" Keefe shouted from the other room.

"Umm, is that a normal thing for elves?" He whispered.

Luke shot him a look. "I know as much about this stuff as you do."

"Well, sorry," Dane grumbled. "You're the one who plays D&D."

"I thought he already said those wearn't what elves were actually like."

He rolled his eyes.

After listening to the conversation for a little longer, they heard a loud grunt. Then, there was a lot of confused murmuring.

Luke snorted. "How much you wanna bet that's the girl he simps over."

"Well, duh, it is," Dane groaned. "He keeps calling her Foster."

"Uh oh," Luke mumbled after a few more minutes. "He's being moody again."

"I know. He likes to say how that Tam dude is emo, but I've heard his music taste. He was blasting it from his room while you were getting groceries yesterday."

"Wait." Luke pondered for a minute. "Isn't he out there now."

"Maybe." Dane listened to the conversation a little longer. "Ok, I think who's there is Sophie, Tam, and... Desk?" He tilted his head.

Luke shoved him. "Dex, you dimwitt."

"Get off of me," he grumbled and pushed him away.

"How much of this that they're talking about is normal elf weirdness or just plain weirdness," Dane thought aloud.

"It's about fifty/fifty," Luke murmured.

Through the door, Keefe said, "I'm getting my stuff. I'm coming home."

Dane and Luke scrambled away just in time before the door swung open. Keefe flinched back when he realized they were eavesdropping.

"Dude, where are you going?" Luke asked.

Keefe looked out the window at the pouring rain. "There's... a lot going on back home. I need to be there for it all. I don't know if I'm coming back, but thank you. For everything." He looked around. "I need to get my stuff."

He came back out in a hoodie with his duffle bag. He ran a hand through his hair. "Bye guys."

"Take care," Dane told. "I'd say keep in touch, but..."

Keefe looked down. "I'll try. If... if things go the way they should, we might be able to reconnect again someday. But in the meantime... I have to go. A few of my friends are here, and we're on a time crunch, apparently."

"Alright." Luke gave him a salute. "Go save the world, or whatever you do. And if we do meet again, set me up with a cute chick."

Keefe snorted. "I'll keep that in mind. There's some leftover cash in my bottom drawer. Keep it. And I'll see you later."

With that, he stepped out the door. Dane was able to catch a glimpse of his friends. By their faces, he knew they'd take good care of him. He just hoped he made smarter decisions from now on.

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