Wanna dance? (Dexiana)

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Dex (pov)

Dex attempted to straighten his tie, but when he looked into the mirror, it was still crooked. He fiddled with it a moment more before giving up and ripping it off.

It was the night of the Foxfire Ball. He wanted to ask Biana to it, but he kept chickening out. Now it was too late and he didn't have a date to the dance. But he couldn't just bail because he was sulking about it. So he continued to get ready, finally clipping his cape around his shoulders.

Thankfully, it was only for the older levels, so the triplets wouldn't be there to embarrass him. He was more than capable of doing that all on his own.

He stepped into the leapmaster and called out "Havenfeild". Everyone was meeting up there before heading to Foxfire. When he glittered at the pastures, Sophie, Keefe, Tam, and Linh were already there. He was almost relieved Biana wasn't there yet.

He went to go greet his friends. Linh was jumping up and down with excitement, which was understandable. She had never had the chance for something like this before. Sophie, on the other hand, looked miserable in her frilly yellow dress. Dex couldn't help but laugh.

Unfortunately, Biana and Fitz showed up a moment later. He couldn't even look her in the eye without breaking out in a nervous sweat.

She was dressed in an extravagant lavender gown. Her hair was swept back into a half up half down hairstyle. Pink lip gloss on her lips. She looked gorgeous. Meanwhile, he hadn't even managed to put on a stupid tie!

Maybe it was for the best he kept chickening out. She was totally out of his league. There was no way he'd be able to compete with the other guys who'd want to be with her.

Plus, she was a Vacker. He was just a Dizznee. Both their families had reputations, but for the exact opposite reasons. There was absolutely no way a mix like that could happen.

He realized he'd been staring a second too late when Biana turned and made eye contact with him. Her beautiful smile lit up, but thankfully, Marella appeared in the pasture next, saving him from coming up with an excuse on why he was staring.

Everyone lept to the dance after that, and he was stranded in his own again. Biana went off with Marella, Fitz and Tam went straight to stuff their faces with food, and Keefe took Sophie by the arm, dragging her onto the dance floor with her laughing.

He was almost jealous watching them laughing and giggling with each other. He'd gotten over his crush on Sophie a long time ago, but he still wanted a relationship like they had. With a certain someone in particular.

Dex glanced around the room but stopped himself. Someone had probably already asked Biana to dance. He wasn't going to make a fool of himself, so he went to go join Tam and Fitz by the punch table.

He took a sip of his punch but nearly choked on it when Fitz asked, "So, when are you asking my sister to dance with you?"

Dex coughed the juice out of his lungs and placed his cup on the table. "You said what now?"

He eyed him. "You heard me. When."

"I-I don't think I know what you're talking about."

Fitz took a sip of his juice. "Mm-hm. Fine then, play dumb if that's what you want. That's not going to get you very far, though."

Dex rolled his eyes. "Whatever, Wonderboy." He walked off to the middle of the crowded dancefloor.

He saw Biana out of the corner of his eye. She was talking to some brunette boy. Exactly what he was expecting. Stupid to think he had a chance.

But Biana said something and turned away, with the boy looking slightly disappointed. She smiled when she spotted Dex and quickly made her way over to him.

"Oh, hey," he fumbled. "Watcha up to."

She shrugged. "That dude asked to dance, but I wasn't really interested. I appreciate him shooting his shot, but I've never seen him before in my life. If I actually knew him, I'd probably give him a chance. I feel like everyone deserves a chance. Well...as long as that's not the only time I've ever seen you in my life, you know."

Dex nodded with flushed cheeks. He wanted to kick himself for thinking he had an opportunity. She obviously wasn't talking about him. But...it wouldn't hurt to get the humiliation out of the way, would it? Then it could be done and over with.

"So...Biana." He looked into her sparkling teal eyes.

She tilted her head, studying him. "Yes."

He cleared his throat. "Would you...wanna give me a chance to dance with you, perhaps."

She processed that for one second. Two. By the third, he wanted to accept he'd been rejected right then and walk away.

But then a grin that brightened the room spread across her face. "I'd love to!"

She took his hand and brought him out to a spot with fewer people as a slow dance turned on. They locked hands. Biana leaned her head onto his chest, tucked under his chin. They swayed together until the song was over. Dex was probably the happiest guy on the planted in that moment, with Biana tangled in his arms.

After they pulled away, Biana had a slight blush on her cheeks. Dex was sure his were pink, too. It got even brighter when Biana leaned in on her tip toes and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thank you for the dance. I'd like another one before the night is over, if you don't mind." She winked at him and walked away. He was too dumbfounded to respond.

He stumbled to the punch table. Keefe must've joined at some point because he stood with Tam and Fitz.

Keefe had a smirk on his face and held out his hand for a fistbump. "Nice job."

All the color drained from Dex's face as the realization hit him. "Don't tell me you saw any of that, did you?"

"All of it."

"Yup," Fitz agreed, laughing. "So much for not knowing what I was talking about."

Dex could help but laugh either. "Yeah, yeah. Now can it."

Keefe gave him a look. "You realize that Biana is probably uploading all of that to Sophie, Marella, and Linh, as we speak?"

"I can dump juice on his head if you'd like," Tam offered.

"Please do."

But in reality, Dex was over the moon. He didn't chicken out. He should've manned up a while ago, but he was just grateful it worked out in the end. And that's all that mattered.

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