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Dozens of people bumped into Keefe as he tried to make it to the bench of the bus stop. The emotions tore through him like a paper shredder. The only uncrowded place he could get to relatively close was the bus stop.

He had to stop himself from yelling out. The emotions were overstimulating, making his heart race and his skin sweat. He was hyperventilating. Keefe decided the best course of action was to push through as quickly as he could.

He was going to have to find a place to sleep soon. But he didn't want to get on an overcrowded bus with all the other people. He decided to wait for the next one.

Except the next bus never came. He waited and waited, but it never showed up. It must've been the last one of the night.

He sighed and pulled his jacket around himself tighter. The wind was picking up, less than ideal, but he didn't know where else to go.

He eventually drifted off to sleep, too exhausted to try and come up with a better plan for the night.

When Keefe woke up, there was a tugging on his pant leg. He groaned and covered his face from the street lamp's flickering light.

Another tug on his pant leg, and he opened them up again. He looked down to see a fox with the hem of his pants in its mouth. It was pulling at him.

He tried to tug his leg back, but it pulled harder. Maybe it thought they were playing tug of war?

Keefe reached down to pet the fox's orange fur. It made a giggly sounding pur. Completely freaky.

He started to pull his hand away, but the fox rubbed up against him again. He couldn't help as his lips quirked up in a smile. Probably his first one in days.

The fox jumped onto the bench. It looked at Keefe with curious eyes. It tugged on the sleeve of Keefe's jacket this time.

He laughed and stroked it again. "Hey there, little guy. What are you doing here?"

The fox crawled into his lap and pawed at him. It eventually propped its front paws on his chest, snuggling down. It tucked its nose under Keefe's chin.

Keefe almost thought he was able to feel a spark of joy and comfort from the little creature. Was that what he was feeling?

Either way, he didn't have the heart to push it off. So he just wrapped his arms around the small fox and rested his head back against the bench. He nodded back to sleep, sharing the body heat with the animal for warmth.

When he woke up in the early morning, the fox was still with him. A few people were roaming the streets, but they didn't see. To be paying any mind.

The fox's eyes fluttered open, and it stretched. Much to Keefe's surprise, it didn't try to run off. It stuck around, laying in his lap, getting lots of pets.

Maybe Keefe wouldn't be so alone in this after all.

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