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So I'm updating this more than I was expecting I was. Don't get used to it. Probably won't last that long, so enjoy it while it lasts. 😂

(Tam Pov)

Tam ran as fast as he could. Lady Giselle was catching up to him--- and fast! He was so tired. He just wanted this stupid war to be over.

Him and Linh had just gotten into another fight. Accused him of siding with Rayni. Which he was. Because she was just like them both.

Her parents didn't care about her enough to make sure someone would take care of her. So when her parents were exiled, she was left all alone. Just like him and Linh.

Tam wasn't sure if he would've done the same thing if he was in her position, but he was able to see where she was coming from. She just wanted a place to stay, someone to take care of her. Why couldn't Linh just see that?

Their argument had left him shaken. She told him that if he was going to be like that, he should've just stayed with the Neverseen. That hurt. A lot.

Now Giselle was chasing after him, and he was starting to consider giving up. But the sound of footsteps running behind him made him snap out of it. He just couldn't do it. It went against everything he'd done to keep going. He couldn't give up after getting so far, after climbing his way up from rock bottom.

So he kept running. Kept his feet pounding against the grass. Sweat trickled down his face. He wiped his brow. A tree was coming up near him. If he was just able to get to it, he could levitate up to one of the branches he--

A hand grabbed his arm. Lady Giselle pulled him up against her, a dagger at his throat. This was it, it was over. He sucked in a ragged breath, possibly one of his last.

Tam looked into her cold eyes. She didn't look a bit remorseful as the blade pressed harder against his throat. Pain seared his skin, and a dribble of blood dripped down his neck. She was enjoying watching him suffer.

He squeezed his eyes just, bracing for the worst. A scream made them shoot back open. It wasn't his scream, was it?

Linh came sprinting out of the woods. Terror appearent on her face. She tackled Giselle, and Tam went rolling across the ground in a tangle of limbs and bodies.

He landed a couple of yards away from Giselle and his sister, who were in a scuffle. He wanted to go and help, but the shooting pain in his ankle wouldn't allow him. He must've twisted it.

What happened next seemed to happen in slow motion. He could only watch as Giselle went in and swiped with her dagger. It landed in Linh's side.

Linh on the other hand, refused to go out without a fight. With her last bit of strength, she lunged at Lady Giselle and embedded her knife in her chest, right at the heart. Giselle immediately fell, gasping for air. Linh stumbled forward a few feet before collapsing to the ground.

Tam found the strength in him to wobble onto his injured ankle to his sister. Tears fell down his face, Linh staring up at him with her own.

"LINH!" He screeched. "Gosh, no. Please, no!"

She wearily looked up to him. She cracked a weak smile. "Take that as my apology. Please, it's the least I could do."

He pulled her into his lap. "I didn't want you to get yourself KILLED!"

"I wasn't intending that either." She looked down at her side. Blood pooled around them. Her jaw trembled.

"You-you can't leave me! I need you." His voice wavered. "We can get you to Elwin, it will be alright! We just--"

"Tam!" she interrupted. "I'm so sorry. For...so many things." Her voice was horse, she sounded weaker by the second. "I've been awful to you. I came to find you to apologize, and then I saw you here. I...I didn't know what to do. I couldn't let her do that to you, especially not without trying to make it up to you."

He choked on his words a couple times before he was able to say, "I forgive you. I love you. So, so much."

"I love you too, please don't forget that. Don't...don't forget about me."

"Never," he whispered.

He held her close to him. He heard her breath turning ragged and slow down. She gave him one more pained smile before it faded from her face. Forever.

Her eyes closed, and her body went limp in his arms. Tam clung to his sister, never wanting to have to let her go, and held her to his trembling sobbing chest.

His sister, his best friend, his lifeline, was gone. For good.

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