Wedding (Sokeefe)

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Please listen to the song while you read.
You'll see why, I promise. 🥺

(Sophie Pov)

Sophie sat down in her chair as Edaline did her hair, and Biana did her make-up. Normally, she'd hate every second of the primping, but today was different.

She was getting married.

To Keefe Sencen.

Soon to be Foster.

She was in the poofiest dress she'd ever worn. But today, she didn't mind it. In fact, she had never felt more confident.

Although the second she found out she had to wear a cape, she ditched that real fast. Instead, swapping it out for a more human traditional veil.

Along with the heels. There was no way in heck she'd be able to stand that all night. Under the layers upon layers of tule she had on rose gold ballet flats. It matched the embroidered butterflies on the hem of her dress and the combs that Edaline was weaving into her updo. Biana dusted the same shade onto her lids.

After finally getting ready, Edaline kissed her on the cheek, and her and Biana left to get into position.

(Keefe pov)

Keefe adjusted his bow tie. He turned to Fitz.

"How do I look."

Fitz clapped him on the back. "Like you might actually be a responsible adult."


Fitz shook his head. "The fact that surprises you seriously concerns me."

Keefe sank onto the edge of the bed. "Sorry." He drug a hand down his face. "I'm just so nervous, right now. This is really happening."

He chuckled. "Don't go stressing out. When I talked to Sophie earlier, she didn't even seem as nervous as you are. That's saying a lot."

He flopped onto his back. "The thing is," he whispered. "I'm terrified I'm going to mess something up. And I don't just mean the ceremony."

Fitz laid down beside him. "I know what you mean. But I promise you, you'll be fine. You've come a long way since we were teenagers. You don't run from your problems anymore. Well, physically, at least," he teased.

Keefe let out a breath. "Thanks, man, I really appreciate it."

"Of course." He shoved his shoulder. "Now come on. You don't need to be late to your own wedding."

Keefe snorted.

(Sophie pov)

Sophie took a breath and hooked her arm through Grady's. It was time for her to walk down the aisle!

The music started to play. They had decided to choose a human song track for the ceremony. Half the guests couldn't even understand it, but she still liked knowing something familiar.

Thanks to her upbringing, lots of the wedding traditions for the Lost Cities weren't something she was accustomed to. So she suggested a couple of things for the ceremony, and Keefe loved the ideas.

It wasn't going to be a traditional Lost Cities wedding. Nor would it be traditional for the Forbidden Cities. But...that was just how her and Keefe rolled. It seemed fitting.

Grady squeezed her hand. Sophie looked up at him. "I love you, Kiddo," he whispered. "I'm trusting That Boy to take care of you." He gave her a teasing grin.

"I love you too," she murmured back. "And don't worry, he will." She glanced at her groom, standing at the Alter. He had the goofiest most sweetest grin on his face. And his eyes, his gorgeous ice blue eyes, had big fat tears welling up in them. She could tell he was trying not to let them spill. The sight made her own tear up.

They continued down the aisle.

(Keefe Pov)

Watching Sophie walk down that aisle really messed him up. By the time she kissed Grady on the cheek and took her place in front of him, his eyes seemed to have manifested as hydrokinetics. He was trying his hardest not to start sniffling like a little baby.

Sophie just smiled at him and reached out to wipe away his tears with her knuckle. Her gold flecked eyes seemed glassy herself.

"I love you," she whispered just so he could hear her.

He flapped his mouth a couple of times, but he couldn't seem to make a coherent sentence. Thankfully, his tongue untied it's knot as they exchanged vows and speeches. (A/N, It's 12 am I'm not looking up what the vows are rn, sorry 😭)

He slid the ring onto Sophie's left hand. She did the same for him.

Sophie passed her bouquet to Amy. She had managed to convince the Council to let her visit to be her Maid of Honor.

They locked hands, his of which were shaking.

Mr.Forkle turned to him. "Do you, Keefe Sencen, take Sophie Foster to be your lawfully wedded wife? To love and to cherish, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, for all of eternity."

More tears escaped, and he couldn't quite clear all the thickness from his throat as he told Sophie. "I do."

Forkle turned to Sophie. "Do you, Sophie Foster, take Keefe Sencen to be your lawfully wedded husband? To love and to cherish, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, for all of eternity."

Finally, Sophie's straggler tear escaped as she whispered, "I do."

Mr.Forkle looked between the both of them. "I now pronounce you husband and wife! Introducing Sophie and Keefe Foster! You may now kiss the bride."

That was all the prompting Keefe needed. He wrapped her in his arms and kissed her with all the passion he'd been bottling up for years. (A/N I ain't ever kissed someone before lol 🫠)

It wasn't every day that you married your Foxfire crush, after all.

(Sophie pov)

Sophie didn't need to read Keefe's mind to know he was the happiest man on the entire planet at that moment.

The tears running down his face said that enough.

She pressed her forehead to his, reaching up to tussle his hair as she pressed another breathless kiss to his lips. He melted into it.

The rest of the night passed in mostly a blur. Until the first dance. She ended up tripping over her dress near the end. Keefe just chuckled and pulled her close. "That's my Foster."

Sophie reached up to brush her thumb over the upturned corner of his smirk. "And that's my Foster."

The audience wasn't able to hear what either of them were saying, but they definitely saw the way the smirk melted off of Keefe's face. The way his cheeks went tomatoe red, and the look in his eyes flickered to something even an empath couldn't translate.

It was Sophie's turn to smirk.

When it was time for cake, Keefe smashed her face into the slice. She threw a handful into his hair. Then it was full-fledged cake armorgetton.

By the time they collapsed on the couch of their hotel room in Greece, they we're both exhausted. Sophie would get out of her cake covered dress later. At the moment, she crawled into Keefe's lap and kissed him for the hundredth time that night and wrapped her arms around his neck. He simply smirked at her with a knowing look.

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