I'm fine (Sokeefe)

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Requested by Thegreatmoonlark

(Sophie pov)

*future au*

Sophie and Keefe walked through the grocery store. Keefe had his arm firmly around her waist. They had found out several weeks earlier that Sophie was pregnant, and Keefe had been extremely clingy since.

Sophie tried to walk across the aisle to find an item on the list. He grabbed her arm before she could get more than a few feet away and pulled her back to his side.

"Honey," she pouted. "I am capable of getting some prattles on my own."

"I know."

Still, he tugged her closer. Sophie tried to slide out of his grip, but Keefe noticed.

"Y'know," she started. "We could finish shopping earlier if you let me get some of the groceries and split up."

He looked uneasy about that. "I don't know. Are you sure you're alright with it? I know you were feeling sick earlier today."

"I can handle it. I promise. We've got an entire list of things. If we each take half, it'll go a lot faster. I don't feel like being in here for two hours looking for everything."

"Okayyyy," he whined. "Fiiiine."

"Thank you." She kissed his cheek, then went to find the rest of the list.

Half an hour later, her nausea came creeping back to her. But Sophie didn't feel like proving her husband right, so she decided to tough it out.

By the time she met back up with Keefe, she was more than happy to check out and go home. Unfortunately, luck was not in her favor.

Keefe snapped his fingers. "The potluck! We need to get stuff for a dish. I completely forgot about that."

They went back down the aisles to find ingredients to make butterblasts. As they searched up and down the shelves, her stomach grew unhappy. She just wanted to go home and lay back down on the couch.

It was the third time they searched the store for flour. No luck. As they were stationed at the baking section, Sophie groaned. Her stomach continued to do flips and handsprings. She shuffled over to bury her face in Keefe's back.

He turned his head towards her and frowned. "Foster, you alright?"

She lifted her head and gave him a hopefully convincing smile and said, "I'm fine."

He studied her for a moment before taking her by the shoulders. He brushed the hair from her face. "Love, are you sure?" He glanced down where she was rubbing her tummy to fight off the bile, crawling up her throat.

Sophie sighed, "I just... wanna go home. I don't feel too great right now. I just didn't want the 'I told you so' speech."

Keefe furrowed his brow. "That's why you didn't say anything? You're not feeling good, Love. We can go home. You don't have to worry about that, I promise. I'm sorry if you felt like you would." He pulled her into a warm hug. She nuzzled into his neck. "Let's go check out. I'm sure we can sweet talk edaline into making some mallowment for us to bring." She felt the vibrations of his laughter.

As they were waiting in the line, Sophie layed her head on his shoulder. Keefe smiled down at her and kissed the top of her head.

Once arriving at home, they put the groceries on the table. Keefe told Sophie, "I've got this. You just lay down. I'll join you in a minute."

She didn't hesitate to go upstairs and change into pajamas. She crawled into the massive bed and hid herself in all of the blankets. She could hear the sound of the groceries being put away in the kitchen. Ten minutes later, it stopped, replaced instead by footsteps climbing up the stairs. The door creaked open, and the weight shifted on the bed.

Keefe pulled her close. Sophie let out a breath and cuddled into his embrace. He stroked her hair until she nodded off asleep

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