Chapter 6

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Sakura questioned her all the way to Eunchae’s school, which was across town. 40 minutes of uninterrupted interrogation with the most curious person in the world.

She asked every question both her and Sakura could think of. Who was Yunjin from her point of view, how did they meet, what relationship did they have, why did Yunjin leave, why did her parents hate Chaewon, if she was the reason Chaewon decided to pursue a career like this, and lastly if her pup was Yunjin's.

Chaewon answered everything truthfully, no matter how much it hurts, she was honest to Sakura, she thought it was the least she could do when her best friend already helps her so much.

“So you’re saying…” Sakura took a deep breath, trying to gather her thoughts. “The person you whined about the first few years of college was Yunjin?”

“Yes.” Chaewon nodded, looking out the window. “The one and only.”

“Not only that, but your pup is also hers and she left you as soon as you got pregnant?” She could tell she was frowning, Chaewon knew her too well.

“That’s overly simplifying what happened, but I guess you could say that.” Chaewon agreed. Honestly, she just wanted this conversation to be over.

“I can’t believe this.” Sakura sighed.

“Look, Sakura. It’s in the past now. I hate everything that happened between us. I wish things didn’t go down the way they did, but I can’t go back and change them, so there is no point in being upset.” Chaewon shrugged. “Does that mean that I will be friends with Yunjin and suck up to her just because she still has money? I’m sorry but I’m absolutely not doing that, however, I will respect her as long as she respects me. Above everything that went down with us years ago I will remain professional. I value my job too much to throw it all in the air over her.” 

“I think you’re being very mature.” Sakura praised her. “Will you be fine working with her?”

“I just have very specific priorities, Sakura. My pup, Eunchae. I want to give her the best life that I can, I want to be the best mother I can be and not let her go through the troubles and struggles I went through as a child. If I work hard and as much as I do it’s to provide her with a good life.” Chaewon was serious. “I can deal working with Yunjin.”

Everything changed when Yunjin left. Not only was the love of her life gone but she also left her with the product of their love.

For a long time Eunchae signaled the love they lived, and the hopes that she would come back from them one day. But the more time passed the more she realized she couldn’t wait for Yunjin.

The clock was ticking, she not only had to take care of herself, but she had to take care of her pup now too. Chaewon struggled to make ends meet while she was pregnant. She worked a job and pretty soon started school too, it wasn’t easy.

It made it much harder to think about Yunjin. She knows things would be a lot easier if she was there with her, supporting her. But she wasn’t, she couldn’t count on her. So she didn’t.

Nowadays Chaewon is proud to say everything she accomplished she did on her own, if her pup lives a good life it is because she fought for it. Countless awake nights and endless shifts, the little leftover time she got went for Eunchae only. It was hard, but she managed.

Chaewon followed the rest of her day as usual. She and Sakura picked up Eunchae. Her friend then dropped them off at her apartment. It was quiet, Chaewon had gotten used to it.

She made them dinner, gave her pup a bath, and put her to sleep. Nothing out of their routine. Chaewon had to wake up early the next day to finish some paperwork.

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