Chapter 16

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Yunjin woke up to kisses on her neck. This has to be her favorite way of waking up.

“Wake up.” She felt another kiss.

Yunjin continued to pretend she was asleep.

“Wake up.” More kisses landed on her neck, going up her face. “Wake up.”

She couldn’t help the smile on her face, it was involuntary, it’s very hard not to smile when the love of your life is kissing your face. She could feel her heart beating very hard inside her chest.

The best part about waking up like this is that, this is how she gets woken up every day. At least every day that Chaewon wakes up first, which is a little rare in itself. Every time she does it it’s lovely though.

It's been almost a year since they moved in together officially, and her days are still exciting. It's still amazing to wake up and remember she doesn’t have to leave, and doesn't have to stay away from her for long.

For a while after they were officially together Yunjin kept her apartment. A lot of times she would stay at Chaewon's house for almost a week before remembering she had her own place to upkeep.

Eventually they realized it was time. Most of her things were already there, the money that was going to Yunjin’s apartment could go to a country house instead. So that’s what they did.

They sold Yunjin’s apartment and bought a cute little house near the beach. Whenever the weather is good they spend some time there.

And whenever they’re in the city they stay where it used to be just Chaewon's apartment. Now it’s the both of them.

There was no hesitancy in each of the parts in marrying and joining all their things. What was Yunjin was Chaewon's and vice versa. Yunjin knows that from her part it has been like that for a long time.

Domestic life truly suits Yunjin. She feels as if most of her life she was just looking for a family, one that she had found with Chaewon.

“Do you think we moved too fast?” Chaewon questioned one day.

They were laying in bed, about to go to sleep.

“Hm?” Yunjin frowned looking at her. “No, we have been together ever since we were very young.”

“I mean, yeah.” Chaewon nodded. “But I mean now.” She explained. “You got back here, a couple of months later and I couldn’t resist you. We’ve been together ever since, technically.”

“That's true.” Yunjin agreed. “I don’t think so though, there were a lot of years where I felt like I was just waiting for you, even if subconsciously. I think I‘ve had my mind set on you for years and years now. Why? Do you think we moved too fast?”

“No.” She shook her head. “I just wonder, you know. What if we moved too fast, jumped head first in this.”

“I think we did and I think that’s a good thing, we shouldn’t have wasted any time away from each other.” Yunjin kissed her.

That seemed to have eased Chaewon's mind. Which is good.

She can understand her hesitancy, as well as wonder sometimes, Yunjin thinks that’s normal. But she doesn’t think in any way that they rushed things, in fact to her it was quite the opposite.

She wishes she had come back earlier, fought for her earlier. However, Yunjin does believe everything happens at the right time, and when they got back together it was perfect timing.

They were both more mature, ready to handle a real relationship. Things had changed for them, for the best. It made things better, they were better.

Yunjin doesn’t question anything anymore. She thinks the way they are is perfect.

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