Chapter 13

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Yunjin is still a little lost even after talking to both her parents and Chaewon.

What Chaewon asked from her is more than fair, she can’t deny it, she’s within her right. Yunjin still can’t help but wish that things didn't go like this.

Her conversation with her parents did give her a place to start but they were asking something from her that she knew would be as easy to get as she thinks it would be.

It’s obvious that the moment they heard that she's with Chaewon they would try separating them. It’s obvious that though they said she could marry anyone as long as they’re wealthy they meant someone they picked themselves.

But Yunjin was done with playing their games, she has done it her entire life, she refuses to play into it more.

She tries avoiding Chaewon for now, just because once she approaches her again she wants to have a definitive answer on everything, which is something she feels that she doesn’t have right now.

Yunjin is sitting on her table having breakfast when her phone rings.

“Hey, Yunjin.” Sakura sounded upset. “We need to talk.”

She knew this wasn’t going to be a pleasant conversation to have already, Sakura hasn’t been the same ever since everything went down. She feels guilty for it, responsible. It was clear that this scheme was planned by her parents. She was never supposed to be dragged into her shit.

“What’s up?” Yunjin moved to her couch instead. “Is everything okay?”

“Not really.” Sakura sighed. “I talked to my parents about the deal.”

Yunjin didn’t know much about Sakura’s relationship with her parents, but from what she could understand it was slightly better than her relationship with her parents. At least they did care about what Sakura wanted.

“Did you figure out anything else about it?” Yunjin questioned. “Are we able to break it off for real now?”

She heard Sakura sigh from the other side of the phone.

“Apparently your parents have talked to my parents ever since your meeting with them. I swear, this feels like kindergarten where our parents have to deal with our shit.” She scoffed. “They said that the talk between you guys wasn’t ‘productive’ and they’re scared of you doing something you’re not supposed to.”

“What's that supposed to mean?” Yunjin frowned.

“I have no fucking clue.” Sakura sighed. “ But they said our engagement is still on. They said that they can't break it off or Huh's company would be breaking all the contracts they have with us.”

“What?” Yunjin was in shock.

She couldn’t believe her parents would do something like that.

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