Chapter 7

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Yunjin didn’t really think about how much her life would change once she moved back home.

She was used to the US already, she spent more than enough time there to almost consider it her second home. Of course, nothing compared to the place she grew up in, where she first fell in love.

Yunjin doesn’t think anything would have prepared her to see Chaewon again. She always kept the girl in the back of her mind, of course, but it’s one thing to think about her and it’s something completely different to see her again.

At first she wasn’t too sure how to react to it. She was taken back, they weren’t alone and even more so they were at a company. Yunjin was many things and professional was one of them.

She doesn’t regret approaching Chaewon that day, not at all, however now not only Chaewon is in her thoughts, but her pup too.

The first week at the company was slightly hectic, they still had a lot to figure out for their deal and Yunjin had to bring all her business from the US here. Not to mention the amount of paperwork that went into something like this.

As much as she was professional, though, it was hard to ignore Chaewon in the office next to hers. She would accidentally stare at her and more often than not she would get caught. She’s not fully sure how Chaewon feels about her, but she is pretty sure that is not the best.

She didn’t leave the best image of her with the omega, she understands why Chaewon is hesitant. Even more so after having a pup.

However, now they worked together and it was hard to avoid each other.

She could tell Chaewon was trying. She would have different schedules than her or Sakura for example, and she wouldn’t leave her office at all unless it was absolutely necessary. It was hard to approach her like that.

For a couple of days in her first week she was just trying to convince herself to actually try and approach her.

She was back, she regrets what she did, of not trying to reach out or come back for her. But Yunjin also made peace with herself that she did everything she could at the time, as well as she will do everything that she can right now.

And that includes trying to make things right with Chaewon.

She doesn’t want Chaewon to think she has any hidden reason behind it, because she truly doesn’t. She just wants to show her that she is sorry about everything that happened and that she doesn't want any bad blood between them.

But Chaewon is unapproachable. Unattainable. Even more so when it comes to Yunjin.

She always looks like she doesn’t want Yunjin around and that her mere presence in the room is bothersome. Yunjin is slightly intimidated by that.

She thinks that’s the time where she can see Chaewon's changes the most. She doesn’t get the same smiles from the woman as she used to, which is understandable.

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