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Milan Montgomery: -Age: 28-Established Lawyer-Noah's girlfriend

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Milan Montgomery:
-Age: 28
-Established Lawyer
-Noah's girlfriend

Noah Jackson:-Age: 45-New and respected judge-Milan's girlfriend

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Noah Jackson:
-Age: 45
-New and respected judge
-Milan's girlfriend

Ian McKnight:-Age: 45-The best lawyer, man or woman, in the city of Chicago-Noah's ex-husband

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Ian McKnight:
-Age: 45
-The best lawyer, man or woman, in the city of Chicago
-Noah's ex-husband

Ian McKnight:-Age: 45-The best lawyer, man or woman, in the city of Chicago-Noah's ex-husband

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Octavia Montgomery:
-Age: 35
-Milan's older sister

Aspen Lu:-Age: 29-Established Lawyer-Milan's best friend

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Aspen Lu:
-Age: 29
-Established Lawyer
-Milan's best friend

Blair Anderson:-Age: 49-One of the few female judges in Chicago; highly respected-Married with two kids

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Blair Anderson:
-Age: 49
-One of the few female judges in Chicago; highly respected
-Married with two kids


Attention: This book is a sequel, so I heavily suggest you read the first, "Lose To Win," before starting this one. Otherwise you'll likely be confused.


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