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夢  ᶻ  𝗓  𐰁  ⁺ ₊ 。。。

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夢 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ⁺ ₊ 。。。

It was Valentine's Day in your ( ) home country where you lived very comfortably, thanks to your modeling career, sometimes alongside your very busy fiance JOSEPH JOESTAR ( JJBA P3 )...except said fiance didn't buy you a single present, forget arranging a date like what he vehemently promised for a month. You were sick of him always getting into these crazy long-term adventures, hence he gave you his word that once Valentine's Day arrived you two would spend the whole day ━ just the two of you ━ on the most romantic date you could imagine. It still took a whole lot of begging to not make you mad, but you swore that if he so much forgot to bring a present then you wouldn't wear your engagement ring until the actual wedding. (A strange threat to an outsider, but you know all too well about how possessive Joseph gets if you don't show some sort of sign that you're already taken to avoid having your horde of fans or anyone who thinks you're attractive try seducing you.) Obviously not wanting that, Joseph nervously laughed and said he already had everything planned out.

Which was a lie. Even his own daughter scolded him since she's been the prime witness to your nervous breakdowns every time he left for another travel, which really made him realize how much he messed up. Fortunately, she was still willing to help out by listing to him everything a girl expects from her fiance starting with a romantic gesture, preferably upon you two's first meeting of the day, followed by a smaller present and affection like a kiss or hug. She then helped him pick out the best date spot that would give you two privacy, something you enjoyed very much, and finally, an "I love you" declaration. Everything would be perfect...he thought. Somehow, every possible Valentine's Day gift was sold out and most areas for date spots were either over-crowded or blocked off.

Ththat's it...mmy marriage is over! All was lost until: "Marriage"...? Wait! That's it!

Now it's nearing 7 p.m., the exact time Joseph promised to come back home to commence "the most romantic day of your life", and you officially spent two hours waiting on your couch in a formal outfit, hair styled and your own Valentine's Day present sitting next to your furiously tapping foot. You violently grit your teeth so as to not cry over that...fucking asshole. He didn't deserve these tears you've shed more than once because of him, yet you couldn't stop the stinging sensation coming over your heart. You're about to head upstairs where you plan on changing into casual clothing then later break off your entire relationship with Joseph. But loud knocking against your front door stops you. Honestly, you're tempted to lock him outside and never set your eyes on him again. He looked relieved when you didn't, but his heavy panting momentarily distracts you from your anger.


A paper is shoved near your face before you can open your mouth to share a word or two about Joseph's behavior. Except it isn't a normal paper...it's a certificate ━ a marriage certificate with Joseph's signature already written. "I━ I fucked up!" He whips his head up, holding a gold band in his fingers. "B━ but...let me spend the rest of our lives making it up to you!"

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