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夢  ᶻ  𝗓  𐰁  ⁺ ₊ 。。。

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夢 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ⁺ ₊ 。。。

You ( ) were a powerful demon, ruler of all from mere mortals to even the strongest of vampires. You did as you pleased whenever you pleased, which more than often included sexual release no matter who it was from. Your main choice of meat was typically whoever you felt needed a good reminder of who was really in charge around here (innocent beings if you were bored). There have been quite some of those insolent fools popping up recently, but one particular vampire domineer has piqued your interest as he kept going on and on about gaining as much power as possible to become king or some shonen shit. That man is no other than DIO BRANDO ( JoJo's Bizarre Adventure ).

Who knew he'd be such an easy target? He was securely restrained under your power; he cannot move a single muscle but his mouth and body can retain the feeling of touch. You had all the fun in the world initially (and literally) looking down at him while he tried to overcome the natural fear that came with your overwhelming presence. He fruitlessly threatens you of one day taking your place only for you to rip off all his clothing with a snap of your fingers, leaving him naked and truly vulnerable. Your hand immediately grasps his member, dragging your palm rhythmically up and down, laughing at how you already felt his length harden at the press of your thumb.

Dio has never once shown weakness or that he has any, to begin with, so witnessing himself yield to this uncontrollable pleasure rather than simple strength is simply embarrassing for him. His cheeks turn dark red as he clamps his mouth shut to avoid letting you hear him respond. You simply let go of his penis to move your hand south. Dio arches his body up, unable to keep the yelp from slipping past his lips from your long finger deeply impaling him. You further push your fingers in causing a couple more moans and even tears to drip down Dio's flushed cheeks. You slowly bring them out just to circle about his winking entrance before impaling your middle finger you then flicked up and around Dio's walls. His teeth clench so tight it feels like he will break his teeth, but the sensations sparking throughout his body alongside meeting your eyes as you continue degrading him ― treating him like your plaything makes him throw his head back and release all the built-up sounds bubbling in his throat, tears and drool spilling from his face,

Regaining the strength to look down again, Dio's muffled cries grew when his bloodshot eyes staring down at your hand now pumping your own penis over and over again as it got closer to Dio's continuing clenching entrance. The tip rubs over his rim before he throws his head back again, moaning louder than ever once you force your hips together. The violent movements force Dio's body rapidly moving up and down, your hands keeping a death grip around his thighs to make sure you have him feel every inch of your member tearing his body apart.

You never stop; your hard, raging cock stuffing Dio to the very brim until all he feels is your soul taking away all the power he once thought he possessed, tearing his deeper rectum he screamed at every time they'd be re-open. The loud clapping noise echoes deepen his embarrassment. Your hand grabs Dio's hair to force his lewd, crying face to stare back at yours holding a malicious smirk and soulless black eyes. You push yourself forward growing the volume of Dio's grunting when a feel of decreasing tension around his abdomen area caught his attention, fiercely shivering at a warmness filling up the entirety of his rectum he never wanted to feel during this long lifespan.

✎ (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) ༉ ‧ ♡ * . ✧

The baseball team you ( ) managed for at school was a bit more tense than usual due to a very scary-looking KEN RYUGUJI ( Tokyo Revengers ) following a bit too close behind you throughout the evening. You kept an unbothered smile as if you weren't being stalked by a 6'1" delinquent who could and probably would smack down the entire basketball lineup with one hit. His eyes narrowed under a dark shadow as he stared down every male present, gaze sharpening if he'd catch one take too close of a step near you. One, they had no idea why he kept glaring at them; two, they had no idea why you haven't once acknowledged him since practice started; and three, why the hell is even here?! Is he actually here to secretly take over the school so he can reign supreme for his gang?! Thankfully, he took his leave 20 minutes before the club ended, you smiling and waving at his retreating form. Your club members immediately rush over to you for some desperately needed answers.

"Please forgive him," you sigh. "We started dating a few days ago and he found out that I manage a boys' basketball team." You lightly facepalm. "He wanted to come here so he can make sure none of you are trying to hit on me."

"I― I understand that," one of the guys gulps, "but does he have to look...so intimidating?" They knew the guy had a resting fight-me-punk face, but that was just terrifying.

"Ah, don't worry~" you giggle with a wave of your hand. "He won't beat you up too bad. The last guy he caught flirting with me only left with a broken nose. Kenny is finally learning to hold himself back. I'm so proud!"

✎ (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) ༉ ‧ ♡ * . ✧

You ( ) weren't pleased that FUUTARŌ UESUGI ( Quintessential Quintuplets ) had been spending the free time he used to spend with you (when not studying) to help the quintuplets. You understood it was his job and the money he was paid would greatly support him and his family in the long run, but it's only natural for a boyfriend to get a bit pissed off when a bunch of hot girls is constantly around your cute blueberry. You had no qualms confessing your feelings about the situation, either, so Fuutarō knew of the situation. He initially waved your concerns off since he saw his studying with the girls as pure business, but you wanted him to understand it was more than just the time he was spending with them. By the end of the conversation, fortunately, you made him agree to make it up to you for the past (and future) evenings he left you for in whatever way you chose.


What better choice than classroom sex?

Every moan Fuutarō released embarrassingly rang through his ears. It didn't help that despite being on the third floor after school hours there were possibly still many students and staff walking about the premises. Even so, it was proved hard to keep himself quiet; your long and thick member just felt too good deep inside him, and you kept his tie-bound wrists by his head. The thrusts were extremely hard, too, pushing his body forward but your hands pulled his hips back to re-stuff him. A particularly hard thrust almost sent him flying off the desk.

"Aahh! N― not so hard...!" He can barely get any words out. Your increasing thrust frequency earns much louder screams.

"Come on, I'm already so close." You lie your front against Fuutarō's back as you give his thighs an iron grip, now using them to further pound in and out of him at much faster speeds.

"Ahh! Aahh! (na― name)! Ahh haah! Wai― wai―"

"Shut up and let me do this." A few more hip motions before you'll finally let your release overflow Fuutarō's walls then pull out after. "Damn...you keep getting tighter." It got somewhat harder; however, he gritted through it. "Fuck, Fuu-kun...it's like fucking a virgin." You nibble his ear a bit, more than enjoying his jumbled sounds of pure pleasure nobody else can have him make. "I think I'm going to cum now...should I do it inside? Or should I spray my load all over your uniform? Let everyone know Mr. Honor Roll is nothing more than a huge slut~?" You laugh. "Actually, I think I'll stick with squirting it all inside you. That way when you walk around you'll feel my warm cum reminding you of everything I did. You'll be a real slut then~"

Fuutarō's face turned redder hearing these degrading words, yet it made heat travel all the way down to his cock. He shouldn't feel so attracted to this. In any other instance, he would feel absolutely humiliated letting himself become soiled on school property with the high risk of becoming expelled...but my God if he didn't want his sexy boyfriend's cum shooting so hard inside him he gets pregnant.

"Shit, Here it comes...Fuck, that's a lot..." You buck your hips instigating thick amounts of white shooting out, instantly warming Fuutarō's anal walls. You didn't even stop your motions after letting everything out, continuously moving your hips against Fuutarō sending him moaning louder than before.

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