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夢  ᶻ  𝗓  𐰁  ⁺ ₊ 。。。

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夢 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ⁺ ₊ 。。。

Everyone but RYŪ ZAО̄ ( Cute High Earth Defense Club ) was in the bathhouse. He was running behind, still changing out of his clothes when you ( ) suddenly appeared nearby exiting the men's lavatory, wearing just a loose towel around your hips. Ryū noticed you but whipped his head back forward when he realized how close your towel knot was to falling apart. Normally, this sort of situation wouldn't have bothered him...if it weren't for the constant gay paniks he suffered around you. Girls used to be the main hot topic in his little world until you and your expert flirtiness broke him down. He was no longer straight or even bi ― he became solely (name)-sexual because of how constant the teases and sexual assaults were. Not to possibly forget that you had literally no shame. Once in the middle of a fight, three of your friends ensnared, you just grabbed his bottom with both hands from behind him and wouldn't release him until he said "Puru Puru, I love (name)-desu~" as if a monster wasn't charging at you two. What made it worse was you were the one who landed the final blow, hence saving the poor boy who was possessed.

I I'll show him how it feels to be in the corner! He purses his lips as he watches you quietly pass by him to head back into the bathhouse. Your hand almost brushes aside the little red curtain only to completely halt when you feel one hand grasp your member and another grab your buttock. They didn't just grab, however; the hand holding your front started slowly rubbing its fingers across the length concurrent to the other squeezing your flesh. You hear Ryū's breath hitch several times the longer he fondles you. Peeking over your shoulder reveals his flushed-red cheeks and a panting mouth.

"How naughty~" You swiftly turn around within Ryū's arms you firmly grab and pin against the lockers. He blushes even darker under your hard stare, both of your towels having already fallen off. "I've had enough fooling around." He gulps. "The real game begins now~"

✎ (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) ༉ ‧ ♡ * . ✧

RREKI KYAN ( Sk8 ) feels beyond frustrated he's always victim to your ( ) very embarrassing and very descriptive teases. Each and every time it resulted in him needing to quickly run away to.................ya know.................masterba― 'Course, he couldn't exactly deny the slight pleasure layered over the annoyance of how effortlessly you made his complexion match his hair he hid behind his hands like a shy schoolgirl (if "slight" meant totally loved and he wouldn't mind rolling over and bark like a dog for you). Ignoring that part, it still annoyed him! He was the man of the relationship, meaning at least once he should be responsible for making you blush and hide behind your hands like a schoolgirl...because you were literally one! That is why after a great time of planning, drafting, and more masterba― he created a whole list of possible ways to finally pay you back for all your (hot) teases. Yes, he has said the same thing to himself before yet kept ending up being kabedoned by you against a wall, but today is different since several of his plans involve no walls of any kind! Well, maybe one kind― Even so, he's aware of the 99.9999999999% chance of him still being humiliated considering you handle embarrassment and awkwardness maturely, completely opposing your "actions" toward Reki. Really, either end of the d̶i̶l̶d̶o̶ stick will make him face the very thing he's trying to avoid today. But will it be worth it if you do show a vulnerable side?

He pictures you with a kawaii blush and glassy eyes.

Yes, definitely, absolutely.

Plot-conveniently, his "get-you-to-blush-redder-than-your-handprint-on-his-ass-guaranteed-plan" distracted him all throughout class, so they ended without him realizing. He takes a deep calming breath. You're probably already outside of his classroom waiting for him. He stiffly stands from his desk, walks out of class, sees you talking to that new kid, and makes his way toward you.

Nani the f u c k?

Blinking a few times, his eyes deadlock on you animatedly talking to the transfer student, Manga or something, in front of your classroom. You giggle at his confused expression that immediately perks up in realization. But whatever you last say to him makes him blush before leaving with a hasty goodbye. The same way you did after teasing Reki. Said boy feels jealousy twist his stomach and purses his lips at the idea you're already trying to dominate the whole school with your mommy powers. He quickly appears in front of you and protectively wraps his arms around you.

"Whoa, what is this all about?" You smile, interlocking your fingers behind his back. "Did you miss me so much you couldn't wait to hold me in your arms?" The joyous expression that formed across your face having him give you this sort of attention, however, rapidly transforms into a surprised one when he unexpectedly brings you into an exceptionally gentle kiss, unlike the passionate make-out sessions you two normally partake in: It's as if you're sharing your first kiss together all over again until he backs himself off your mouth, but not by much.

"I love you," he whispers. Cheeks flushing under his half-lidded eyes drifting sideways, he shortly buries his face against the side of yours. His hold around your shoulder doesn't waver, making it obvious he wants to be in your company a little bit longer. Quite uncharacteristic for him to do this in public, but that's not important. Your heart pounds against your chest which you hold him against by his hard, yet slim, waist.

You blush a deep red.

✎ (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) ༉ ‧ ♡ * . ✧

Despite born blind, you ( ) fortunately entered a sweet, wholesome relationship with FUMIKAGE TOKOYAMI ( My Hero Academia ). You two completed where the other lacked: he helps guide you around while sometimes poetically describing sceneries, sometimes even teaching you simple defense mechanisms in case you ever find yourself in trouble; in response, you help him through his emotional constipation since he wasn't the best at understanding them or at least putting them into proper words, as well as using physical touch to soothe his touch-starved self. You had your most influential discussions when walking through parks or sitting on a bench, among general conversations. Today, you just wanted to have a nice stroll after learning his class was attending a three-day training field trip this weekend. He held your hand extra tight, trying to memorize every crevice for when he won't be here, at your side. Despite being about to leave you for a bit, he still felt happy and soothed for spending the remaining time he had with you.

Until he noticed some fuccboi eying you.

It was most likely because you were looking over Fumikage rather than at him, making it seem as if you were staring kindly at the boy. In addition, your hips hid your intertwined hands, which was probably why he didn't think you two were together (or the fact Fumikage didn't seem like your type.) The dude even blushed at the eye contact, his cheeks flushing more when you "sized him up" while you cupped your chin like a fuccgirl (you were just trying to get something ticklish off your face). Fumikage realizes why the boy became flustered but pleased when he looked back at you. Hoe no he doesn't.

"There's a male thinking you're fawning over him," he mutters, feathers ruffling. Another reason he's scared about leaving is there might be people who will try using your blindness as a way of getting too close to you while he isn't here to scare them off with his e-boi powers.

"H― huh, really? Oops..." You nervously look straight ahead. Fumikage glances back at the guy who's now frantically fixing his hair and checking his breath. Emo Birb narrows his eyes, not enjoying this boy's giddiness from your (inadvertent) gaze on him. Without a moment to lose, Fumikage leans his head onto your shoulder and tightly hugs your arm with his free hand to make your relationship status a lot more obvious, even slightly swinging your attached hands. But he immediately becomes embarrassed about what he did out of pettiness, so he doesn't even bother to check the guy's next reaction.

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