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This more reference of how they look and they can close their mouths while having teeth. It really does make more sense that way for me. Also Catnap will act different and everything will change a bit so yeah just letting you know now!

Your brother used to work there at Playcare back then as they were 15 since they grew up there and you and your twin mostly grew up there too as you're both 5 years old. 

 Armon your older brother who was mostly taking up engineering helped the workers while he got paid to be trained to work there as he wanted while going to visit you both. You and Lucas are of course twins making it a first at playcare as your mom was a teacher there while your dad worked  as a scientist sadly forced to do what they are doing. Your parents loved all three of you even though your father made sure that the Poppy gas during that time didn't affect you both not wanting nightmares on his children. Even Armon wasn't affected by the gas as he usually always slept early anyways. Your mom found out about the experiments by her husband, your dad who told her and asked her to make sure they as in you three don't get affected by the gas to which she agreed seeing how the nightmares sometimes begins. 

You and Lucas are playing in a room with other kids as you all held a critter plush on your hands as there were only 8 of you in that room.  You were their talking with everyone as you hold a Dogday plush in your hands as you saw it one day and just got it loving the smell of his Vanilla orange coat fur. Your brother got Kickin Chicken as he said he was cool and of course liked the name too. "Lucas do you think will be able to play outside!" You spoke to him as he was on the floor playing with his plush. "I hope so! Although I hope there's something fun to do." He spoke as he was now looking at you making you nod as a boy named Mark who held a CatNap plush walked over to you as he just woke up from his little nap. 

"Y/n do you think you will be able to explore some quiet places?" He asked you then Lily who had Crafty Corn was next to you too also wanting to know as they are shy and easily scared of loud noises. "Hmmm I hope so maybe we can also find a nice play to draw too, and also take a nap! Ooooh maybe a place where we can all play!" You thought as Mia who went next to you and hugged you just smiled hearing your excitement. "And we can all laugh too!" She added as her Bobby bearhug was on the floor before she picked it up after hugging you. "I'm with Lucas on this one. I wanna know if there is something cool outside to play with." Rika spoke as she went next to your older twin crossing her arms and smiling too. The rest were too as Erick held his children's learning book and Bubba Bubbufent, Avary was eating an apple with her plush Picky Piggy. 

As you all heard the door open seeing your big brother Armon making you and Lucas call him out and run to him. "Armon!!!" You both yell running to him as he smiles crouching down as you both hug his neck. "Hey little rascals how are you both doing?"He spoke as you and Lucas just kept smiling at him. "We're doing great and we're excited for today!" You spoke as Lucas nodded his head. "Yeah! We can wait to see our surprise and we can finally go outside home sweet home!" Lucas added as Armon smiled as it wavered a bit as he had worry in his eyes. "Really now? So you all are now at that age huh?" He spoke calmly not trying to worry any of you and knowing how your family as well made him protective. "That's right we are old enough now Armon!" Lucas said crossing his arms is proud that he's now five years old. 

"Well you all are in luck as I'll be the one to take you outside to see your surprises!" He spoke out as he got up with both of you still in his arms. "Yayyyyyyy!!!!" You all yelled except Mark and Lily who did a small 'yayy'. "Now then everyone line up behind me along with you two." He spoke as Armon placed you both down so you can form a line behind him. As you all lined up behind him as he opened the door making you all follow after him. As the walk went with all of you whispering, seeing how big the place truly was then in the room you all slept in. Not to lie to anyone that took around 5 minutes to even get to the front door.

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