Let's go PoppyPlaytime

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That night you had a dream something you truly didn't expect from at all. You were running away from your best friend Catnap who was even bigger than you remembered, skinny to the bone, eyes ready for the hunt as your the prey, but for some reason their is sadness in those white eyes. Running even more you were now in a prison cellar hearing heavy breathing as your body was walking on its own. As you got closer you see a horrific sight of your once beloved best friend, Dogday. "Dogday..." You whispered as he slowly looked up at you only to have tears streaming down his face. "My angel... I miss you so much please go and leave me hear, you need to live." He spoke as you walked up to him hugging him close as you see mini pluses of them looking at you both giggling. "No, I'm taking you with me, we need to leave together!" You yelled a bit while taking the belts off him. "Angel..." Dogday softly spoke as you were struggling to run with the weight. "Come on!" You yelled to yourself with your adrenaline kicking in as you ran with him trying not to die.

*Gasp* You gasped holding your Dogday plush to your heart as tears streamed down your face more during your dream. "Dogday... I'll never leave you behind... What happened to you?" You whispered crying to yourself as you got up from your bed to look at the curtains. 


When you did you remembered looking out the curtains as you got up from bed to open them seeing so many kids playing around along with your brother. Looking outside with sadness as you couldn't play outside from the high fever you have. "Huh? How come I'm the one sick? I wanna play too." You mumbled sadly as Dogday was outside realizing you're missing so he turned to the side seeing you through the window looking so sad. He walked up to the window as your back was turned not knowing he was coming towards you. He only saw you on your bed crying holding onto the mini plush of him. 

He knocked on the window getting your attention and it worked as your tears still ran down as you got out of bed and walked up to the window again. "Dogday!" You called out sniffling putting a hand on the window as he did the same seeing how huge his paw was. "You ok little Angel, why are you crying?" He asked as you looked down. "I'm sick Dogday, and I'm so alone *Sniffle* I don't wanna be alone." You spoke as he had a sad face looking at you as you looked down. "You're not alone anymore I'm here with you aren't I?" He asked as you looked at him with a small smile. "You're right Dogday, but I know you're gonna leave soon so it's ok to go." You spoke as more tears went down your face but this time with a smile. "Angel I-" "Dogday! it's time to take the kids back inside!" One of the workers called as he was shocked as you waved goodbye. "Maybe next time ok." You spoke as he nodded his head. "And it's a promise." He declared as he walked away.


As you remembered that you looked up smiling as he did kept his promise and came back. Then you looked down as your face made contact with the mini plush smelling the Vanilla. "I will promise you Dogday, I will save you." You spoke to yourself as you lay down into the bed again smiling with dry tears as you went to sleep again. 

A few hours later you all woke up getting everything ready as you packed water extra underwear, pads, waters, and plastic wrap sandwiches. As you were showering you decided after you got out to wear some shorts and a shirt with shoes of course to leave. 'I might as well get a jacket at this point.' You thought as you got your zipped up jacket leaving your room to the living room to see the waters and food packed already. "Is everyone ready?" Milla spoke as you nodded while the boys said yes as you thought for a moment. "What are you thinking about Y/n?" Milla spoke as you look at her then down at the counter with a blank face. 'Well that's rare to see her with that face.' Milla thought as you then sighed. "I had a nightmare and it made me think what if we do save someone or multiple of them? Would they even be allowed to stay here? Or maybe it will be too small? I just don't know anymore that bad dream was too real." You spoke as she put a hand on your shoulder in a comforting way. "Whoever needs saving we will save them no matter what, ok." She stated as we do live in a very big house with a beautiful back yard. Not only that not will many people living on the same street just like 4 people since we all have a huge yard.

"Really? That's good to hear." You smiled at her as she gave you your backpack with everything already inside. "Hear you go dear, also keep your head up sunlight, you have all of us, remember that." She spoke as you nodded hugging her as she hugged back. "Ok girls, let's get going." Armon spoke as as you both broke off from the hug nodding at him. "We're coming just need one more thing ok love." Milla spoke as he nodded going out the door as Milla got two medical kits as she put one in her bag and the other in your backpack. "Their all done, now let's go PoppyPlaytime!" She explained as you giggled at her. "Yeah!" You answered as you all walked out the door to your brother's trucks as you got in with your older brother as your twin brother got in his with Brad. "Were gonna go pick up Travis real quick! Will meet you there in a few minutes!" Your brother yelled as he was exiting the drive way to go to Travis's place.

"Ok be safe!" Was what you said as you finally got in the back seat of the truck. "They went to pick up Travis." You answered after closing the door and putting on your seat belt as you all also pulled out the truck. "Alright, it will be like a 3 hrs drive if we take the back roads. We will also stop to get some little snacks on the way there." Armon spoke as his dark green eyes focused on the road as music played. "Really? Well what's the harm in doing a bit of work on the road." Milla spoke as she turned to you smiling. "Can you pass me my laptop dear, it's in the pink bag." She asked you as you nodded going to her bag to get her laptop out. As you did you handed it to her as she thanked you for making you then try to find a comfy space to get a little bit of sleep.  To your surprise you did as the truck was moving and it's like 7 in the morning so yeah. "We are coming Dogday. Please wait a little longer." You whispered it extremely low as you fell asleep throughout the ride as they did stop for food for you all to eat and snacks too. When they finally arrived they didn't wake you up as your brother looked at the place where he parked. "I'm back again. I didn't think I'd come back after all this time." Armon spoke as he then looked back at you sleeping as he did notice your lack of sleep earlier. "We are back." He spoke again as Milla held his hand as they looked at each other in silence to wait for the others to arrive.

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