The morning

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Sorry for not updating I got sick and had to go places so please forgive me for that and enjoy the chapter

As you stir awake seeing the sun peaking through the curtains making you turn around seeing yellow fluff smelling like Vanilla. You sat up slowly as you looked at Dogday sleeping a peacefully as you got up and left to your room. When you got their it was 8 in the morning making you groan quietly as you took a shower knowing you stink like blood and sweat so picking out some shorts and a nice shirt would do greatly. As you finally got everything done in the shower along with brushing your teeth, and hair you went back to the living room seeing the little ones turn to look at you as they ran to you. "Hey their babies. It's time to stitch you guys up ok." You spoke as you did have the sewing kit on the counter which was convenient to you. "Ok little picky up you go." You spoke as you started stitching them up one by one. 

To your surprise it was now 11 in the morning with that two hour shower. "Ok done now it's time for food." You spoke going into the kitchen as you cooked so much eggs for the little ones then eggs for you as you didn't eat in the mornings. "I'm surprised we're the only ones awake. Might as well take you all outside so lets go." You spoke as you left to the back door as they ran out happily making you sit down on a chair seeing them play. "So that's where you are Angel!" Dogday spoke as the door was open making hi go on his knees and hug your waist making you blush. "Dogday, are you alright sweetheart?" You asked as he nodded. "Yeah, now that I know your in my arms again." He spoke making your heart skip a beat. "Sorry about that, I just wanted the little ones to play outside since you all are sleeping." You spoke as he looked at you seeing you're not covered in dirt or dry blood made him blush at your beauty. "Your beautiful angel." He spoke as you couldn't take his compliments as you looked away when a thought went into your mind. 

"Then kiss me." You spoke as he smirked grabbing your face gently as he made you look at him. "My pleasure angel~." With that he kisses you on the lips as you kiss back with as much love as he was also giving you. "You know we're still in a house full of people you know~. Also don't forget the kids~." You spoke with a smile as he had heart eyes as you giggled seeing his tail wag. "Sit down with me and watch them." You told him as he nodded sitting on the chair next to you seeing the little ones run around until he noticed something different about them. "Angel, did you sew them?" He was questioned and surprised as you nodded. "Yup! And to be honest I think I did a good job!" You confidently spoke as you looked at him holding out your hand. "Hand please." You asked as he laughed at your cuteness as he led you to his hand making you shake your head. "Not that one the other one!" You spoke laughing as he tilted his head a bit and gave you his other hand. You put your hand up against his seeing how huge his hand was as you looked so shocked and noticed his paw pads. "You have huge hands! And you have paw pads! So cute!" You spoke as he closed his hand holding yours as you looked at him seeing his pink face. "I'm not cute you are my angel." He spoke as you blushed at his words as you looked away to see the little ones as they have fun in the sunlight.  When he closed his hand on you to now fully be hand held. "And your hands are quite small too." He continued as he looked at them his eyes never leaving the heart shaped he had. 

"You know I'm not an Angel right?" You spoke as he looked at you in the eyes as he held eye contact. "You may not think it, but to me you are a definition of a perfect Angel with her own beautiful flaws." He answered as that was something you never truly heard from someone before, yeah you dated before but the way he spoke to you was next level love that you're going to keep. "You really are a talker aren't you?" You finally answered as it took a while for you to do so. "You can say it's only for you my dear~." He looks at you as you move forward a bit so your hand was resting on his thigh. This caught him off guard as you giggled at him in a loving way. "Just so you know you better talk with Armon about this relationship, he may or may not be hard to please." You told him as that brought him back to reality as his heart shaped eyes went away as he looked at the ground. "I just hope he gives me a chance." He actually hoped even though he saved you a few times with Catnap getting a little too close to you before saving him. 

I'm sure everything will be fine! After all you let me sleep on top of you twice, you put your hand around my waist to pull me closer to you after battling Catnap/ Picky, and him letting you carry me when I fell asleep on you. To which sorry for falling asleep on you when we just arrived." You listed while apologizing as he chuckled at your truthful listing. "Nothing to be sorry for dear, you were tried along with everyone as we were stuck in that vent for like 2 hours." He admitted as you shyly smiled at him then the door bell rang as you got up seeing everyone awake but your family. "Ok imma get the door and watch the kids please." You asked as he nodded making you let go of his hand to go inside. "Morning everyone." Your spoke as they said good morning or morning back as you opened the door. 

One thing you weren't expecting was Ruby and she was right their standing smiling like the devil she is. "Ruby!" You answered hugging her as she hugged you back chuckling as you smiled. "Come in, come in." You spoke letting her in as she saw the bigger toys and Poppy with Ollie. "Y/n I need your help a bit." She spoke getting straight to the point until the little critters all ran in with Dogday following. The little one jumped her nuzzling as she laughed making you all laugh as you pulled them off her. "What is it you need Ruby?" You asked as she breathed in and looked at you. "I need to go to a banquet meeting, you now know." She spoke as you faked smiled at her knowing what she meant. "Knowing I asked you it's the fancier ones?" You questioned as she nodded making you look down. "I'll go but-" You were cut off as she hugged you saying so many thank yous's. "Don't worry I know you don't like over the top stuff so we are going to the mall maybe around next month since that's when it will start." She informed us as you sighed in relief of that. 

"Thank God it's not nowhere this week." You spoke as she giggled petting a little Kickin as he snuggled into her stomach. "Also can you work for me? Like as a secretary by my side? I don't want a stranger to use  me like the others and your extremely intelligent so please?" She asked as you grabbed her shoulders smiling. "A job is a job! I'll take the offer!" You spoke as you did need a job either way since you just got out of highschool and your family was looking at the stairs hearing the news. Even Brad and Travis slept over too! "Really! Yessss! Also it's more working at home! Until we get those conference meetings then we gotta go." She said as you nodded at her knowing those are unavoidable!

"I'll work hard for this! Finally a job, and I can get money!" You cheered as she knew you were trying to find a job but didn't know where to start. "I'm glad to hear that. Also for now you need to rest after what you went through, now I can finally be myself with you helping me." She spoke as she was looking at her hand which was gloved as you took her hand smiling. "Yup! And your a beautiful, smart, and kind doll!" You spoke taking her glove off showing the glass hand as she is a full glass doll herself. "Yeah, I can also say they can be walking around as more living toys are working too, ya know." She spoke as you nodded as you knew they would fit in just right after all. "Yup! Also I think the little ChuckChickin likes yea!" You answered by calling out the little critters as you named them all. "Awww that suits him and look at that stitching too! Knowing you did the sewing right?" Ruby answered as your face beamed knowing your complemented for your work. "Yup!" You chuckled as Puppyday jumped on your head making you go forward a bit as he yapped happily with his tail wagging. 

Dogday was sitting at the chair on the island near the kitchen as Picky was making food! She was a chief at the factory for the kids so her talent is still there after years. Dogday was just happily seeing you both talk while he was conversing with Bobby who looked at hi with an all knowing look. 

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