Saving Catnap

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Credit the artist please I can't see the name as it's bright yellow!!!! But that's how I would see Dogday here in the story along with the others!!!! Got the Pic on Pinterest!!!!

As you slept for a few hours Catnap was mad that you weren't there at his bed nor that Dogday was hanging in his cell either making him mad but sad that you couldn't be with him more. So that night he walked around the still playcare only to see your back along with Dogday holding you. He didn't see you guys kissing from afar, but Dogday sensed him as he looked up behind you seeing the white pair of eyes looking at both of you. You didn't know as Dogday looked behind you making you concerned. "Dogday?" Catnap heard you call for him as he and Catnap stared at each other. "We should go inside already Angel, after all it is dark out and we need our sleep." Dogday answered you as Catnap left feeling hurt that you and Dogday are close.

When it's already the next morning you were tossing and turning in Dogday's hold as he tried waking you up, but you wouldn't budge as the others tried too. "Angel please wake up!" He yelled a bit as you just see Catnap dying over and over again in the same scene making you cry. Your cried in your sleep and in Dogday's arms. "" You whispered out sounding so broken as you cried just repeating those words. Until like 20 minutes later you finally woke up in a jolting shake as you took a deep breath in making Dogday hugged you as he whispered 'your awake.' happy that you are awake as you hugged his head trying to calm your heart as his Vanilla scent was working.  "Angel, we tried waking you up for 20 minutes now, but you kept crying for Catnap. Why?" He asked as the others looked at your direction seeing how your clinging to him. 

"The prototype is gonna kill Catnap if we don't do something! I don't wanna lose him again too, Dogday!" You spoke out shaking as he understood why you want to save him. He may not like Catnap, but he knows he was a child before the bigger bodies and doesn't know good from bad. "Well save him Angel, don't worry about a thing." He spoke as you nodded not even looking at anyone just shaking and sniffling in Dogday's hold. The others know how you feel aside from the player, Brad, Travis, and Ricky as they weren't there during the time while you explained everything to Milla a year back.

After you finally calmed down you all were at the gas production zone as you then looked at the people with masks as Dogday doesn't fall asleep anymore with the Poppy gas. Poppy, Milla, and Kissy are finding the other critters as we speak for they are hiding still as they don't want to be involved seeing as they themselves don't have anything. "Might as well put your gas masks on." You spoke subconsciously looking at the door knowing he was there. "Dogday follow me please." Dogday nodded as you both jogged to your place as the ones with masks put them on except your brothers. "Angel were are we going?" He asked as you looked around the place of your dreams (Final battle scene with Catnap) as you looked up at the hatch. "Catnap will be defeated here, but the prototype's hand will come out through there as he will be on his knees and get impaled." You answered as he was shocked then nodded trusting your judgement. "I'll bring him down quickly to save him from that thing." He answered as you looked shocked turning to him smiling. "Yes! but in my dream I couldn't save him over and over making me feel so much pain, so please save him Dogday." You spoke as you took his huge hands holding them as he smiled at you lovingly. "I'll do whatever it takes."  

With the others on the other hand they found a secret door as they went in they found a long hallway as she called out for anyone. "Hello! Is anyone here! We are here to help and get you out of here!" Poppy yelled as Ricky was with them along with Travis. "Please we come to help right now our friends are trying to save Catnap from the Prototype by Y/n's command! Please she knows you're here and wants to save you along with Dogday!" Travis yelled as the critters were on high alert until they heard your name along with their leader Dogday. Boddy got out of the safe room through everyone else telling her not to as Pick piggy was knocked out earlier in another room as she went crazy.  "We are here and how do we know you're not lying?"  Bobby spoke as she glared at them. "They are alive. Right now Y/n along with Dogday are trying to save Catnap from him to get all of us out of here. If you don't believe us then believe Y/n, Lucas, Armon, and Dogday."  Travis spoke as he turned around looking at the others. 

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