Protective Dogday + plushies

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Credit the owner please as I can't find their at anywhere on the pic as I got it on Pinterest  T-T

As you both looked at each other you blushed seeing how close you are to them as your hands are on his fluffy and soft chest with a light scent of vanilla along with blood as you thankfully don't have blood on your hands just on your shirt. "D-Dogday let's try t-to walk, yeah?" You asked as you looked away from him as he did take notice of your sudden shyness. "Alright then let's try." He spoke as he slowly got up with you helping him even though you didn't do much on that as he's still grateful tho. "There you go! How does it feel? I know I'm not good at stitching, but this is something right?" You questioned as Dogday was happy to even move and hug you along with stay with you for as long as you did. "Their perfect Angel!" He spoke as he was so tall your literal head is in the middle of the belt that's around the waist small.

"Oh damn you're tall."  You whispered looking down as DogDay caught that as he smirked at you bending down to your ear. "And you're adorable below me, my sweet Angel~." He whispered to you as you blushed covering your face turning away from him as he smirked more with hearts in his white eyes looking at you as PuppyDay walked to your leg and yapped as you quickly squat down getting him and burring your face in his neck smelling the Vanilla and hiding in embarrassment. DogDay didn't like the face you put the mini version of him close to your face as he glared at him while the little pup was wagging his tail happily. 

As you guys walked out the Playhouse you guys spotted a pink backpack on someone as you recognized who that was as you ran. "MILLA!!!!" You screamed so loud that she turned around seeing you as she ran to you too. "Y/N!!!!!" She screamed as well as you all hugged making you cry as you held her close to you. In your embrace Dogday was surprised along with the mini critters as they went to you quickly seeing if your ok while Dogday also walked to you. "Angel!"He called as you left Milla's embrace to look at the little critters who jumped to you whimpering as you feel back. "Hey there guys. I'm right here, I'm right here." You spoke as Milla chuckled at the little guys as she pet one of them which was picky Piggy plush. The little one went cuddling her too. "Dogday this is Milla, Milla this is Dogday the one I told you about a few days ago!" You introduced them as Dogday kneed down next to you and hugged your waist pulling you close to him. 

"D-Dogday!" You blushed as Milla smirked at what was going on. "Hi it's nice to meet you." Dogday responded ignoring your embarrassment a bit as he was amused with your reaction. "Same here Dogday, also I think you might want to talk with Armon and Lucas of what's going to happen a bit later~." She smirked as Dogday blushed in the realization that she knew what he was doing and the thought of her brothers was a different story. "Milla can you check if I stitched up Dogday's internal organs right? I tried my best but it's your job so please." You pleaded as she nodded getting up as the little ones went all over you three wanting to be picked up. "In the statue I'll do a quick check ok." She spoke carrying Picky and Bubba plush, as you had Puppyday and Midnight on your shoulders, as Dogday had Kickin, Bobby, Hoppy, and Crafty with him as they went to the statue.

After the quick check Poppy and Kissy Missy were introduced to you both as you hugged both of them as Dogday couldn't move as he was getting re-bandaged up so he couldn't be by your side. Although, the mini ones can and they looked at them with wonder more than anything. "I might go check an area real quick to see if there's anything ok!" You spoke to the two as Dogday got up real quick once as he got the bandages on. "What! No, you're not going!" He did not like the sound of that at all especially when the other men weren't there. "What? Dogday please I have to go there and you've just got re-stitched again! Please take it easy." You responded getting close to him so he can sit down as he did so he can be a bit face to face with you. "You're not going alone my Angel. That is too dangerous." He spoke as the little one whimpered shaking their little head too for a no.

 "I know you all care but for some reason I know the others might be alive! I know the way out too, the dreams I've been having led to Catnap finding me, leading me to you, helping Catnap to realize he can come with us to save him from his God, to seeing the other critters waiting for us, the exit to the surface, along with defeating the prototype to freedom. Not only that by tomorrow it's been a week and a friend of mine that's on the surface will rescue us." You explained as Poppy was interested as well as Ollie with your explanation. "IF you know the way out then go. I'll send the others to help you if that makes Dogday feel better." A voice spoke as you looked at Milla as she smiled pulling out a red phone with eyes on top. "This is Ollie he's helping the boys navigate through the Playcare ever since Catnap took you from us." She informed us as you nodded having more allies. "Alright but where are the boys?" You questioned as you wondered about them. "Just about to exit the Playhouse hopefully."  He spoke as you nodded, but Dogday didn't care. "I still want to go with you my Angel wither you like it or not I'm still going with you. I promised Armon I would so I still tend to keep my word." He spoke as he held your hands in his and you still don't know why he's making you blush all the time along with making your heart skip a beat with his words and actions now. "I don't know Dogday, you just got re-stitched." You spoke concerned not knowing that the girls behind you are snickering at your interaction. 

"You still care about me~. But Angel, remember you can't tell me what to do when I'm still going with you~." He spoke looking at you in the eyes smirking as you turned your head the other way again as he held your hands as he saw your pink flushed cheeks. "D-Dogday!" You whined as you looked down trying to calm down. "Oooooh Y/n~." Milla teased as you internally died squatting down scaring Dogday a bit as he didn't know your dramatic. "ANGEL!" He yelled as the girls laughed at his reaction while he held you by the waist as your now very red making him realize the girls are teasing that he blushed too, not before hiding his face in between your neck as you stiffen up a bit then relaxed. "You still smell like Vanilla." You mumble at his ear as he blushes more knowing they are sensitive to him as you pet them giggling as his tail wagged fast.

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