Why's and Kisses

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As Dogday was holding you close after you whispered in his ears you pulled away still touching them as they are so soft to the touch. "So Soft." You said smiling at him as he was red making you smile innocently as he let you pet him as you felt on plushies crawl up to your shoulder and the other on your head. "Dogday couldn't handle your adorable sight with Midnight on your right shoulder and Puppyday on your head. He put his face on your shoulder as you snuggle into him as Milla knows you like soft things. "You are so soft and fluffy and cute and adorable and smell so good." You spoke in a little bit of a high pitch tone loving the big plush your hugging. Milla smiled at the sight as she looked at the doors feeling a bad feeling as she went up and closed the door. 

When the others came back like 25 minutes later to find you hugging Dogday still with a lot of mini critters all over you both as they freeze except Armon. "Long time no see Dogday." He spoke as he looked up from your shoulder seeing him again was so refreshing in a way. "Armon nice to see you again." Dogday spoke as you looked back and ran to him as he opened his arms to you holding you close. "Armon! Lucas! I'm back!" You called out as they curled up to you happy you're with them again as you are their little sister even though Armon also saw you both as his children along with Milla and Ricky. "My little twin, glad you're ok!" Lucas spoke as Dogday got close a bit with a smile on his face only for it to turn confused to see three other people he's never met along with the Player who was looking at him with a smile. "You guys need some rest right now, so why not sleep for a bit?" You questioned as Ollie agreed to it as the boys look beyond a few hours of sleep hell they need to sleep for a whole year!

"Hey little ones time to sleep with me!" You spoke as you went to a wall and sit down as Dogday followed you making you look at him in question. "Dogday?" You questioned as he sat in a corner pulling you onto his chest which was warmer than Catnap making you drowsy. "Are you sure? I do move a lot." You were worried as he smiled as his paw moved to your head placing it on his chest. "Yes I'm sure." He answered placing both arms around your figure as the little ones went up to you both snuggling your legs plus Dogdays. "Sleep my little Angel I'll protect you." He softly spoke as everyone found a spot while the girls lightly squealed at the scene while the boys don't care. 

You woke up with Dogday hugging you close as you looked around the room then at your feet with the mini critters making you smile. You couldn't move out of Dogdays hold nor could you go under with the minis at your feet. "Damn I really am trapped." You whispered turning to face Dogday getting up slowly from your feet wanting to at least got up the stairs to the exit of the statue. With a bit of struggle you managed as you walked up the stairs opening the door, but you only sat down leaning against the door frame seeing the place once again. "Why?" Was all you said as the mini plushies woke up and went to you circling around you with tilted heads. "Sorry if I woke you all. I just wondered where they all went or if they got turned into toys too." You spoke quietly not knowing Dogday woke up panicked not feeling you until he heard you. 

So he got up and looked up seeing you sad which made his heart hurt as the little critters snuggled to you as if they know what your saying. "You all are cute, maybe I should patch you all up tomorrow after we save Catnap. I don't want him to die, he was also my best friend, I-I just wished h-he wasn't under his control." You quietly sobbed as tears stream down your eyes wanting him back. "I want to save him, could I? I'm just a useless girl with no strength, I'm not brave like everyone here, I cry like a baby, I can't do anything alone as I'm afraid, What can I do to even help when I can't even help myself from panicking into a panic attack? What am I even doing here?" You cried silently as it hurt Dogday so much hearing you talk down on yourself like that. He didn't like it so he walked up the stairs too as you heard him making you shocked.

"D-Dogday. I-I umm... I'm sorry if I woke you up, you can go back to-" You got cut off as he hugged you up while he sat down with you in his arms hugging you close as your tears stream down. "My Angel, please don't talk down like that. You're so much more than that, you just don't see it for yourself, but I see it we all see it. You took your time to help me out of that cell, you took your time for me to recover, you worry about the others, your so kind even telling us your sorry you woke us up, you have a big heart my Angel. Know that if you ever need a shoulder to cry on or even just to rant, hell even to save you I'll do it. I'll go to the depths of this factory to save you if you call out my name I'll be there no matter what." He lectured you softly as you still cried hearing every word which made you put your arms around his neck and moving in his lap to sit comfortable as you hugged him. "Why?" You asked looking at him as he smiled softly with his mouth closed and his white eyes are in the shape of a heart. "Because I like you, your My Angel~." He spoke as you blushed through your now dried tears as his right hand went to your check caressing it softly and lovingly as you leaned in smiling. 

"I look like a mess right now." You said as he moved his hand down to your chin moving it slightly up for you to see him. "In my eyes, you're always beautiful to me." He spoke leaning down and kissed your lips slowly as you blushed slowly comprehending what was going on as he moved away just a bit. Once it finally registered what he did you moved in this time shocking him but got over it as you both enjoyed the soft kiss you both did as the little ones already left you alone when Dogday came. As you both pulled away now you know why he had those heart shaped eyes at you even from the cell yesterday when you got him down. "Can I please have a little more kisses?" You asked as he nodded at you bringing you in for more as you loved how he was so soft and careful with you as if you're a glass doll that could break at any moment. "Your kisses are addicting my Angel~." He spoke breaking the kiss for a bit as you blushed making him kiss you again as you allowed it to as you were touched starved from the feeling of love he was giving you. That was until he re-broke it off looking at you softly but at the same time he looked away knowing he was being watched. 

"Dogday?" You questioned concerned as it was also written on his face. "We should go inside already Angel, after all it is dark out and we need our sleep." He spoke softly as your eyes widen knowing it's true but not knowing the reason as to why. "Oh my gosh your right. I'm sorry for keeping you awake." You spoke as he got up with you still in his arms closing the door behind him slowly to not make any noise. "It's quiet alright Angel, I would love to stay up more with you, but we do need to make sure we are rested to save Catnap right?" He spoke as you nodded while he got to the corner with you still on his lap. "Your mine Angel, along with your love, and kisses." He whispered more quietly because of the others. You yawned smiling as you snuggled into him. "Of course Dogday I'll always be yours just as long as your mine too." You also whispered loving the attention he gave you as the mini critters went to you and re-snuggled against you giving you more warmth as you both sleep. 

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