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Everyone gotta admit that it took around 3 hours in that vent as it was just one way to go.  "Damn from the bottom up this is literally forever." You admite even tho you don't have to bend down like the others as you, Poppy, Ollie and the mini critters are walking in like normal. "Your lucky Y/n I feel like I'm gonna have back problems!" Lucas spoke out as you giggled menacingly. "Now you know how I feel everyday!" You called back as you then saw the exit of the vent making you run a bit. "It's the way out!" You called back as they are now happy to get the hell out of there. "Um.. I can't get down I'm scared!" You called out as it was where you all got your red hand as Bobby was behind you. "I got you don't worry. " She spoke as all the little ones you and the two dolls got on her as she went down landing perfectly fine. "You all go now move aside ok." You nodded moving a bit away as the others came down when you got a phone call making you got into your bag pulling out your phone and answer knowing the name that popped on. "Ruby! Yes, we do need help. You know how your father was a scientist right? So you know who I'm talking about! Look I don't know if he is in front of the place inside or not but please come in. I have some bigger body toys with me too so you can let them know they are with us! Yes, thank you." You spoke as you smiled at the hope you have now as you looked up and at the ceiling relaxing a bit. 

Then you all hear gun shots making you all panic along with screams. "We need to leave now!" Brad spoke as he got surprisingly all the little critters as Kissy took both dolls as you followed the noise as you spoke Ruby. "Ruby!" You yelled as they saw you then at the toys behind you as the signaled you to the side. "This way you all!" She yelled as the other people with guns motioned you all even the bigger toys to the side as for you all finally saw the prototype within your own eyes. "Your parents are waiting outside! Your dad taught us how to kill that thing! So let's go!" She grabbed your arm as everyone let it outside as Catnap looked one last time as he called his name before turning away to follow you all out. 

When everyone was outside you couldn't see as the sun was that bright making you blind for a bit as you hear two people call out your brothers and your name as you looked up to see your mother and father running to you with worried faces. "MOM! DAD!" You yelled loudly as you went into their arms and cried thinking you weren't ever going to see them again as your brothers and Milla ran to them too in  group hug as you all cried in that circle as then they hear a dismembered yelling of different voices as you dad let go of you all as looked at the police. "Get gasoline and burn this place down with him! That's the only way to stop it!" He yelled as they all did what they were told as he looked at the toys. "You all are coming home with us. I know you all hate me and I'm so sorry. But right now let's all go home and rest." He spoke to the as they nodded you looked at Dogday smiling at him then at Catnap too who was in tears looking at the sky turning orange as it was about to go night. You walked over to him petting his legs as he looked down at you. "I told you I'll bring you outside." You spoke as he was so grateful to see the real sky for the first time along with his fellow critters.

When you all left the place you all went back to Armon's place to stay for a while until further notice. As you were with the mini critters sleeping in the truck of your brother Armon as it was three hours to get back home. Ollie and Poopy went with you along with Kiss missy as you all slept together while Milla slept at the front. The other bigger bodies are in the transportation truck with holes for them to breath as they sat down together again like how it was back then even though Dogday wanted to be with you, you insisted that to him to be with his friends to get together again. 'My Angel.' Dogday thought as he saw through the holes the moon just rising as he thought of you and the kiss you both shared two nights ago. "Dogday, I have a question." Boddy asked as he hummed at her but not looking her way. "What are you and Y/n?" She questioned as this time the others are interested to know too. "She's My Angel. My beautiful little Angel." He spoke with a smile and flushed red checks he still did not look at them. "Is that why I caught you both kissing two nights ago?" Catnap spoke teasing as he had his head down while Dogday went so red with smoke as the others 'Oooooohhhh' at him. "You saw that!" He yelled as Catnap chuckled then went silent then lifted his head up to look at all of them. "You're smitten for her~." He teased again as Dogday had no words as Bobby was squealing. 

When you all got there you stir awake as you get up yawning looking out the window. "Yayyy were *Yawning* here." You yawned in the middle of your sentence as you moved a bit for the little ones who also woke up still tired too. As you all got down first the big truck came as you walked over to it as they opened the door as Catnap was there in front as you smiled. "Welcome home you guys!" You spoke out not having too much energy as they got out while Dogday went over to you and carried you as you snuggled into his neck like you did as a kid. "My little Angel~." He spoke as your brother led them to the living room where they would be sleeping as they don't have anything for them yet. "Thank you Armon, for saving and getting us out of there." Bubba spoke while Dogday started laying down as he still had you in his arms while the minis are now sleeping on top of you both as they spoke as even he knocked out with you in his arms. 

"Guys look!" Crafty whispered as they saw you both sleeping together on the floor with the mini versions of them on top of both of you. "I might kill him." Armon spoke glaring as Milla hit his head. "Don't say that when they're obviously happy together!" Milla spoke as if your brother nodded his head. "Fine." He grumbled as everyone called it a night finally happy to be free as everyone went to sleep, even Catnap slept through the night peacefully.

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