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After you all went through in the first part of the buildingyou met with the Player with Huggy Wuggy everyone was scared shitless. The only ones who have some scars are the boys as they made sure Huggy didn't hurt you girls at all. Travis was skillfully leading everything as he got access to how the building's map looked like. You were crying so much from fright as Lucas held you shaken up bad too. The only one who wasn't was Armon and Player as if he knew. We all had a grab pack as it was more easier to have one just in case of anything and there were already a lot of red hands around too. Even so seeing him fall down to who knows where is something you don't want to think about anymore as everything falls silent except for your all's heavy breathing.

When you all continued as a final tape was on the ground hearing the other's previously was confusing but this one was scary hearing the Prototype's intelligence and to commit violence was very alarming. When you all found Poppy Armon, Lucas, and you stayed awake as the rest fell asleep shocking her. After that you agreed to stay with the others and catch up soon to which you all did before Poppy was snatched by a pink hand you three siblings know all too well.

Then with Mommy Long Legs on the other hand the boys did it again but made sure you girls stayed away from her as you two waited for them in the train itself. Thank goodness you took an extra red hand as Ricky lost his because of the enemy spider taking it. Travis and Brad took two extra green hands for you two as you both and Ricky will need it. Ricky was with you all too to keep watch in case of anything. You were calming down from so much scare that you three were looking outside the window crouching to make sure you all weren't found. After the two games they played you all would see Mommy hang the toys they played up above as you recorded everything so did the others since the beginning with Huggy Wuggy.  When the boys came back with more scars and blood making you all worried wanting to stitch them up but they refused as they wanted to start the train up. Both Travis and Brad gave the green hands to you three as you all put it on as it switched making it useful. As the train started Poppy switched it to the other lane as the train to the right. As Poppy explained so much stuff until she also realized the train was going too fast the brakes weren't working. As you all screamed as Travis held onto you as this wasn't going to be pretty at all.

As the train crashed you didn't get the huge impact as like I said Travis covered you with his body along with Player getting the impact like everyone else. You have to quickly move everyone out of the fire that was already starting with a panicking body, teary face, and adrenaline rush in your system making it successful. Although Catnap was watching as he noticed real quick who you were only as your facial features didn't change. As you fell down on the floor you continued crying scared as Catnap went up to you as you looked back to see him standing there so huge as he had his mouth closed until it opens up to a smile then he went to get your back of the Grap pack and backpack picking you up as his tail grabbed the others as you only cried. "Catnap?" You questioned through teary eyes as you all went to a room as he opened putting you on the floor. Then you noticed them waking up as he throw them down. "GUYS!!!!" Was what you screamed as Brad's eyes widened as he not only saw a huge thing but you cried as they fell with Brad's eyes widening in the process. 

"No..." You whispered as shaking as Catnap re-grabbed you again from the back carrying you like a little kitten as he went back to playcare with you hanging in his mouth. Going through the vents everyone saw you slightly curled up shaking as he went up hearing your hiccups and light cries. "Catnap why?" You asked more to yourself as you finally made it to playcare seeing it so bare and lifeless made your heartache. He went to the playhouse as you see a lot of ripped plushies of the critters with so much of them laughing as the white eyes in the dark was frightening. then you went to a part of the area that had cells as he went to the very first one that has a whole in the bottom. Crawling down it was a place to sleep as he placed you down and curled around youas the mini plushies looked cute but still shaking yourself. moving a hand out to a mini Dogday plush it put his little head on your hand wagging his tail happily as you sighed in relief picking him up as he snuggled into you while you sniffled. "H-hey their little one. Can I call you Puppyday?" You questioned as one little Catnap was at your knees looking at you. *Yap* The little plushy yapped happily as you giggled snuggling it close as you pet the little kitty also picking it up purring. "Can I call you Midnight?" You asked as he was also on your lap as he Mewed a yes making you snuggle them close as you got happy but tired too. You try to stay awake but you fall asleep against Catnap who hasn't said a word as he looked at your face.

"You're still the same as ever Starlight. You 8 protect her when I'm gone or you're all gonna get it." He sighed warmly at you but warned the mini critters as they nodded whimpering going close to you warming you up as you lightly smiled at the warmth and Catnap's lavender smell still on him. About 45 minutes later he had to leave you as he carefully got up and left you there with the mini critters asleep. "Welcome back Starlight sleep tight." Was the last thing Catnap spoke as he left the cells as Dogday caught him saying everything from the beginning, along with your scent, your nickname for you, with his good hearing skills. "Angel?"  Was what he mumbled as he never forgot you at all since you left an impression on him from the beginning when you were younger. "Your back Angel, but why did you come back to this hell hole? Please wake up soon so I can see your face too." He spoke to himself with just the last bit of hope as you had a dream of saving Catnap from the Prototype, finding the others as if you knew where they are hiding, along with a way out only for you all to fight the Prototype. All that took around an hour for you to wake up.

You were sweating as you woke up with a fright. *Hard Gasp along with jolting awake* The little critters were all over you wondering if you're ok. "Hey little ones, I'm sorry if I woke you guys up." You spoke as they snuggled to you making you smile until you hear heavy breathing and something moving. Then it hit you as you look around your dream of Dogday flashed your mind. You got up slowly as you had a small Dogday and mini Catnap on each of your shoulders as the rest followed behind you. As you got out you slowly made you way down shaking as your scared if it wasn't Dogday. As you got close to the last cells you see him as he was looking down not knowing you were as he was asleep. "D-Dogday?" You called as he stirred awake looking up to you as his eyes widened seeing you again. "A-Angel!" He called back happy to see you as he cried a long with you but froze as he saw the mini critters on you now knowing what Catnap meant with the little ones. "DogDay!" You cried going to him hugging lightly around his neck as he breathed in your scent as for some reason he didn't want you to go. "Angel... I've missed you so much. Please don't leave me yet ok." He pleaded to you as you both cried then you felt the two little critters move up making you pull away seeing the plushies move on Dogday's arms making him stiffen. 

An Idea came up to you as you know this was a risk you're willing to take for him. "Puppday and Midnight please free him and you guys try and find his legs ok." You asked as six of them left to find them as the other two surprisingly chewed off the restraints on his arms as you hugged him only for you to stumble back with his weight letting out a yelp and groan of pain. "Angel! I'm so sorry!" He yelled in panic as your body was smaller then his was and weaker too. "It's ok Dogday, just let me take a breather." You spoke as he was in so much relief to not be in those restraints as he moved to the side so you can breathe better. "Thank you for freeing me Angel." He spoke as he looked at you once more only for him to see you smile as you turned to him with closed eyes and a bright smile with your tear stained face. "Anything for you Dogday." You spoke as he saw the halo again as your much older now making you look so beautiful in his eyes as he blush at your answer. Then Puppyday and Midnight were by the side of your head as you got up slowly after all the grab pack and the backpack were putting you more. As you did the other little critters brought his legs back making you happy.

"Ok let's try and fix you up ok! I got some stuff in my backpack that would help!" You spoke as Dogday nodded his head amazed you'd do this for him. "Thank you again my Angel." He spoke as you blushed at the complement. As you got to work which too a while as you gagged so many times touching his organs by sticking them up along with the amount of blood. Thankfully you finished that as you stitched up all his lower half completely while taking a while too. In total 3 hours on his stitching as you bandaged him up while the little critters looked at you doing the work the sleep thought the process. "And done!" You spoke smiling as Dogday felt bad you have to stitch him up, but he got over it as you were determined to help him like you did back then. He didn't say anything as he hugged you close to his chest closed mouth and smiled happily about this new chance of life. "Thank you so much, my beautiful Angel." He spoke softly not wanting this moment to go to waste. After a few minutes you pulled away seeing his face as he couldn't help seeing how beautiful you are now. 

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