Stargazing with the critters!

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As the day literally went on with your family buying more food until you got your back pack dumping it to find a few hundred dollars are you did might have sneaked away to find some hard cash a few nights ago. They didn't question it as they took you to the bank to deposit it into your account which was around 1,000 dollars. Then you all bought food to stock up for now there are a lot of you all now. 

When you all got home to put the food away, the critters helped with everything to taking the bags, placing them in their respective locations, to cooking! You really did miss Picky Piggy's homemade foods. As the day progressed the nighttime came as quickly as it did. Since you all have a huge backyard the firefly's came out as you looked out from the couch were you guys are watching a movie they've never watched before. When the movie ended you looked at Catnap who was looking the window next to the Tv. "Catnap." You called him out as he looked at you seeing your smile. "Come with me outside! The fireflies are out! They look like moving stars." You spoke as you got up from Dogday's lap as he got up from the ground following you. When you opened the glass door stepping to the side he saw them. "Wow." He spoke amazed at the sight as he walked out more off the patio to the grass. You looked back seeing Dogday look at you almost pleading to go out with you too as you signaled him to follow you too. 

He got up happy while everyone one also followed after him as you walked away to sit next to Catnap. "So, how do you feel living here?" You asked as he lays down on the grass as the mini's are chasing the firefly's being all cute. "Well it's a nice change, still trying to get used to everything." He answered as you patted his now growing belly full of food. "Yeah, after stuffing your face with all that food must be hard to even move a lot." You in put as he glared at you knowing it was you and Picky who forced him to eat a lot. It was a playful glare though so nothing to worry about. "Yeah after you and Picky forced me to eat more then I should have." He rolled his eyes as you giggled at him then laid back looking up at the stars. 

Dog day was on your right while Catnap on your left as the others were around you all with the mini's running around you all. Dogday looked at you seeing you smile at the stars as he was sitting up looking at all his friends talking with each other or looking at the stars/ the mini's. 'I wonder if this moment could last for a long time.' He thought as he eyed Catnap seeing how he's gained a stomach making him think that everything will be just fine. You looked at Dogday seeing as he was looking at everyone then at Catnap's stomach. You being you got up a bit and touched his hand as he turned to you. "Lay down with me?" You asked as he intertwined your hand with his as he smiled at you softly. "Of course, my Angel~." He spoke then carefully laid down besides you as you moved closer into his hold as his arm was now on your stomach still holding your hand. 

Your brothers and for soon sister-in-law (Hopefully) comes outside with the remaining three other toys. Lucas went back inside then came out with his bag of chips eating as he was texting Brad and Travis. 

About an hour outside talking with everyone Puppyday went up to you Yawning making you giggle a bit. "Well it's time you guys sleep." You spoke as you carried the little pup as the other mini's followed yawning too. "Wait for me Angel." Dogday spoke following right next to you helping with moving the planets they use to sleep. Everyone followed after like 45 minutes later as Truth be told it was already 11:36 in the night. "Well imma go up to my room see you guys tomorrow morning, goodnight!" You spoke as everyone said their good nights. You hugged Dogday then gave him a kiss on the cheek without making the kiss noise as he blushed. "Goodnight Dogday sweet dreams." "Goodnight my Angel, sweet dreams and see you tomorrow morning." He said back as you smiled then went back to your room upstairs.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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