Short Story : Ryuuen Kakeru I

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"Argh!" I woke up in a sweat, breathing heavily.

Dammit... another nightmare...

I stood up and went to go get something to feast on.

"Late night snack, Dragon-boy~?" The loli spoke from the living room as I was scouring through the monsters fridge.

"Leave me alone... I'm not in the mood." I responded irritated.

Damn... this bastard has so many sweets in here... I hope this isn't his usual diet...

I imagined an extremely obese Ayanokoji in my mind as he beat me down with that same poker face.

Pretty sure he'd have suffocated me before I could even finish my monologue...

Sakayanagi sighed behind me.

"Then, how about you tell me your problems, Ryuuen-kun." Sakayanagi asked more seriously.


I looked up from the fridge.

"You aren't trying to fuck with me, what gives?" I looked puzzled, not expecting to hear my real name coming out of her mouth.

"I swear on my superior intelligence that I am not trying to mess with you. The intentions on this maiden are as pure as her soul." She said seriously.

I clicked my tongue, not believing her 'pure' intentions bullshit for a second.

"Yeah, and money grows on trees. Just tell me your real reasons, you damn loli. We both know I am never falling for your bullshit in a million years." I declined her while I took out an opened bag of M&M's.

"What terrible trauma you must have gone through to not even trust such an angelic face as mine anymore... I can do nothing but sympathise with such a wounded soul, fufufu..." She said sarcastically while indirectly revealing that she knows exactly what made me like this.

I sat down at the knitchen counters stool with the bag of sweets, overlooking the living room with her sitting there. My eyes and her locked for a few seconds, the anger in my eyes being clear as day.

"You really are such a massive bitch, aren't you, Sakayanagi? As a leader yourself, you should know better not to bring up this pain we carry for childish banter." I barely contained my emotions from exploding.

"I'll continue pushing you until you talk to me. We need you at your best out there, and if you can't even get a goodnights rest, what's even the point of even sending you out there?"

What would she know... she doesn't even know what I had to do...

"Fuck off. I don't need your pathetic help. I know who I am, and that's none of your concern." I put a mouthful of the small candies in my mouth.

"I don't need to... Ryuuen-kun, there's clearly something bothering you, and I know it's not just about... your classmates." She guessed right.

I looked away, irritated for being seen through like this so easily.

"He made me kill survivors a few nights ago..." I finally relented, having no more mental strength left to hold in my emotions.

"I'm assuming you're talking about Ayanokoji-kun and Koenji-kun... I'm surprised you and them have already made contact. I thought they dropped that idea..." She guessed right again.

Of course, it was a setup... he always knew what was going on... even when I figure something out, it's always only because he wanted me to...

"What's the problem tho? I doubt someone like you would care for people like them. You never knew them in the first place, so what gives?" She pried even more.

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