Arc 2 : [ Mind Field ] Part 5 : { Good & Bad Timing }

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Tsubaki Yuki's Point Of View

I spent six years in my sorrow after I was expelled from that horrible place. Day after day, I hid in my room, rarely leaving it, my depression drowning out the knocks and voices outside of my room.

The freedom I was seeking since birth was right there in front of me for the taking, yet I didn't even make an attempt to reach for it once. No. I wasn't free. At least not fully.

After all... I left my other half back there...

Without that half, I wasn't complete; just a hollow shell that existed for the sake of living until I could be reunited with my oh-so important missing piece. The only reason that kept me alive back then.

And despite the effort everyone around me put into helping me, I didn't budge once. A weak, broken girl who didn't even put any effort into fixing themselves.

Years I could've spent with my cute little sister and my loving parents... were wasted on isolating myself...

So, just like back then, someone had to reach out to me to find a solution for me.

With their minimal influence, my parents contacted the person who constructed that hellish facility that contained innocent souls like my other half to reunite me with him. Luckily, with enough money, they were able to convince 'that man' to set up a meeting between us.

Rejuvenated after hearing the news, I finally got the strength to stand up again in order to meet my other half. Those days were filled with joy. I spent hours shopping for the right outfit with my sister, looking for the perfect fit to impress him.

I thought... I thought he would answer my despair... that he would make me whole again...

The day we met was a disaster. Hours of planning were reduced to rubble all because I didn't account for the most important issue that separated us in the first place.

He didn't spare to look back even once...

A hollow spot in my heart spawned; an ever swallowing abyss, killing off any positive thoughts I had for weeks. Completely shut off from reality, I stood motionless in my room after I came home, akin to being stuck in a catatonic state.

The only reason I didn't die of hunger or thirst was due to the help of my kind family who fed and bathed me.

I will forever be grateful for them... for taking me in... for caring for me...

Weeks turned into months. His words always lingered in my mind, haunting me. But I eventually started to understand his true intentions.

He wanted me... to become independent...

This single realization changed my mindset completely. Finally, I could start moving again. Not backwards but forwards.

And now I've shown him my change... I'll help him change as well...

Joyfully hopping along the way, I carried both of my luggage to what used to be the students dorm of this campus. As I got closer, I began to notice how packed and lively the lobby was.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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