Arc 2 : [ Mind Field ] Part 4 : { Unrelated Matters }

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Nanase Tsubasa's Point Of View

Through night and dawn, I remembered doing only one thing ever since I was adopted all those years ago. I was trained to hurt people and even kill them, which I later learned when I grew older. A successor to my brutal adoptive father.

Rarely was I given any days off or free time, days that I will forever cherish.

As during those days... I met Eiichiro... my only friend...

He showed me mundanity and glimpses of a normal life. Without him, I would've most likely turned into someone just like my adoptive father. A ruthless, cunning criminal who'll do anything to accomplish his jobs. A murderer.

Eventually, I started finding a balance between my private life and my fated life. Those couple of years were the best years of my life.

Me and Eiichiro grew closer and closer. Eventually, I developed feelings for him. I wasn't sure about him, but there were signs I noticed that exhibited hints that he felt the same way about me.

I should've been more careful... more abrasive... yet I was blinded by emotions that I only just started understanding...

One day, when I came to visit him, I found his body hanging from the ceiling. The sight was deeply embedded in my mind. And I knew exactly who did it.

It was my adoptive father... he didn't mind meeting with Eiichiro at first... but now I realize why... he wanted to make me suffer as much as possible...

That day broke me. And worst of all, I couldn't bring myself to hate my father for torturing me like this and killing Eiichiro. My mind was too trained to never go against my superiors. It won't allow for it.

All my hatred and anger didn't just disappear, tho, which my father knew. That's why he constructed a perfect delusion for me to believe in. Something to pour all my hate into.

..."Ayanokoji Kiyotaka caused Eiichiro's death."...

A person for me to hate, to despise.

But everything changed when they arrived. The undead. Plans shifted, and I had to push my hatred to the side. My capabilities were immediately put to use, used to protect men my father worked for.

Despite being trained since I was a child, I was still left extremely traumatised by the creatures that resembled humans I had to put down. But slowly and surely, I started getting used to it.

Throughout the first month, I heard rumours and gossip about Ayanokoji. Something about him conquring a zombie infested 'Advancd Nurturing Higschool' by exterminating everything inside. It built up this picture of an unredeemedly monster in my head of him even more.

But during the weeks on that helicopter, I started learning more about him and the others, the suffering they had to experience since birth. Slowly but surely, the image of this indestructible villain that I built up broke down, and all that hatred turned into remorse for what he had to go through.

He lived a life even worse than mine... all of the other kids did... it's so unfair...

Alone, I stood in one of the corners of the banquet that gathered together most of the most powerful people in Japan. I, along with the other White room students, stood guard at our station, watching over the fortunate men and women laughing and enjoying the boundless delicacies presented to them while thousands of survivors are struggling to survive outside these premises.

Despite not being one... father still insisted that I joined the lines of the White room students...

The man that my father works for, the man who traumatised hundreds and perhaps even thousands of children to fulfil his dreams, Ayanokoji Atsuomi, or Kiyotaka's father, was currently walking around interacting with each and every group to strengthen his artifical bonds with his funders. I kept a close eye on him, my hatred having been shifted to his existence ever since I started learning more about Project White room.

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