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───   "FORMAL WEAR?" Endou said reading out the paper that sat on the centre table of the room they were staying in.

Kazemaru placed his bag on his bed and turned to the captain. "We don't have any?" He said.

"Well done captain obvious." Fudou called out from his bed. What a killjoy. "What did you say?" Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

The team looked at each other before a knock came from the door, Tsunami was nearest so he opened the door and a familiar face poked her head through the door. You saw Endou holding the paper with some of the team surrounding him.

"Oh you've seen it!" You said, walking in further and leaning your hands on the table where Gouenji hugged you from behind, resting his chin on the top of your head and closing his eyes. Toramaru visably awed at the sight of his figurative parents and turned to hug Hiroto who laughed at the younger boy's behaviour.

"Um, Y/n we don't have formal wear." Tsunami pointed out.

"Formal wear?" You asked.

Tachimukai nodded and pointed to the paper, "It says formal wear on the paper."

You sweatdropped at your father's behaviour. "Oh I see, my dad likes to do this. I'm sure Kaede and Souma can help you, we have spares." You said smiling, "I think. Right Shu?" You added as you looked up at Gouenji who nodded.

"Don't call me that." He muttered.

"Shut up you love it." He had been a victim of many spontaneous formal events your father threw and would often be fitted into a suit with either Kaede or Souma.

"Oh cool!" Endou said, you smiled at his enthusiasm.

"I'll get Kaede and Souma in now, it might take a while to get you all ready." You said jogging out the room.

After finding them you went into the other room where the girls wore excited smiles as Fuyuka read out the neat writing on the paper. "This is so exciting!" Haruna gushed grabbing Aki's shoulders and shaking her around,

You entered the room unnoticed and laughed at the younger girl's actions. "Hi Y/n," Fuyuka said with a sweet smile that made your heart melt, you flashed her a smile, walking towards them, "I don't suppose you have any dresses we could borrow?" She asked.

You grabbed her hand and pulled her closer, "Of course I do! There are some I bought the other day and haven't worn yet, there's plenty to choose from!" You said.

Haruna gasped loudy from behind you, "Can we choose now?" She said holding Aki's hand, who was severely dazed from being shaken around so much.

You nodded and took them to your room and into the walk in closet, "The dresses are on the left there," You guided them as they looked in awe. "Feel free to choose a few and try them on, my bathroom's just there." You smiled to yourself as you watched them filter through the dresses you had. Your dress was already set out on your bed with the shoes you had chosen.

After you had gotten ready you decided to go back to the room and talk for a bit, you all enjoyed the conversations you were having and Aki was talking about a time when Endou practiced by himself by the steel tower and ended up losing the damn tire. After wiping your tears from laughter Haruna looked at the time and saw that an hour had passed. "Should we head down now?" She asked as you also looked at the time nodding in agreement.

Your conversation carried on as you descended the stairs hearing the team in your living room. "Finally!" Fudou said noticing the four of you at the door.

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