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───   YOU WALKED into the classroom where the team were so you could all watch the prelim brackets be chosen since it would be broadcasted in about an hour. "Alright! I found the- what on earth?" You held the HDMI cable in your hand as you stood next to Kidou watching Tachimukai and Haruna arm wrestle.

Haruna was, sadly, losing even with the use of two hands. You noticed Aki holding a piece of chalk and looked at the board to see the different brackets with peoples names on it. How Haruna got into the semi finals in this mini tournament both scared and impressed you.

"I see why Kogure is scared of her now." You said, hearing Haruna shout causing everyone else to shout.

"She better wash her hands." Kidou muttered, making you sweatdrop.

"Someone's overprotective.." In the end Tachimukai won, leading to him entering the next bracket that hadn't been decided yet.

You decided to leave the crowd and set up the screen, plugging in the HDMI to Haruna's laptop and the TV that had been taken from another classroom.

Eventually the tournament ended with Hijikata winning, leaving Tsunami salty. Hah, get it? Cause like Tsunami and the ocean and it's like salty. Sorry I'll stop.

Now people were just going against others just for the fun of it. You sat on one of the desks with a drink in hand, watching as Hiroto won against Midorikawa who sat next to you after his defeat. "You'll get him next time matcha ice cream." You said, patting him on the back, a nickname he had adopted (once again) after you found out of his past.

"Matcha ice cream..." He repeated thinking back to his aliea days as you laughed. He thought he eacaped, obviously not.

You heard Endou gasp, "Gouenji! Go against Y/n!" He shouted making everyone else agree.

The platinum blonde started rapidly shaking his head with wide eyes, you looked at him with a small smile. "No way."

"WHY NOT??" Endou whined like a child, dropping to his knees and hitting the floor as Kazemaru facepalmed before realising he couldn't see, and quickly removed his hand, looking around hoping no one noticed.

"Not after last time." Gouenji said.

"Oh c'mon, did she beat you that badly?" Fudou jeered from across the room. Fucking loner. "HEY!" He shouted at the ceiling. Fuck. Fudou you're blowing my cover shut your ass up.

"No he actually beat my ass." You said ignoring Fudou's schizophrenic antics and taking another sip of your drink.

"That can be taken in two very different ways..." Tsunami said with an eyebrow raised.

"Of course the older guy thinks that." Aki sai, side eyeing him.

"What happened?" Endou asked.

"Well," You took another sip of your drink before passing it to Gouenji, who finished it and threw it into the bin next to him. An excruciatingly long silence passed as the team waited for your answer. "He broke my arm." You shrugged.


"Yeah. So drink milk, or something. Actually just don't arm wrestle this guy." You said, pushing your non existent glasses up your nose like Megane who caught on instantly. "HEY—!"

"It was like three years ago now," He added.

"Aww, you remembered! That's cute!" You awed jokingly, "Was seeing me in that much pain so traumatic?" You asked, knocking him on the head.

- BIKE RIDE | g. shuuyaWhere stories live. Discover now