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───   "WHERE'S TORAMARU?" Kidou asked, noticing the absence of one their friends. It was currently 7:00AM and only a few of the members were awake: Kidou, Fubuki, Hiroto, Hijitaka and Kazemaru.

The five looked around shrugging before the door opened revealing Gouenji who was already dressed in his casual clothes, "He might be with Y/n, she wasn't there when I woke up." He said moving further into the room and sitting on the couch, eventually noticing the silent stares from the few who were awake, "What?"

"I thought you fell asleep here..?" Kazemaru mumbled letting a few pieces of hair fall from his grasp.



"Dammit I was hoping we'd see his morning hair."

"When did she say breakfast was again?" Hijitaka asked getting up from his bed.

"8:00 I think. It's just a free day, right?" Hiroto replied from his bed since he was already ready, laughing quietly at a slightly dazed Fubuki who had woken up no longer than five minutes ago.

"Mhm, then we go to Kidokawa to practice after their school ends." Kidou responded.

"Let's go a few minutes after their lunch ends, Y/n has English last period she'd probably sleep during it." Gouenji said from the couch looking at each of his members getting ready.

"Alright prince charming." Kazemaru joked.

Ten minutes passed and Midorikawa had woken up by now, "I'm going to find Y/n and Toramaru." Gouenji said standing up and leaving the room. Their gazes lingered on the door as it closed.

"What a family man." Midorikawa stated flopping back down onto his bed after finishing his hair, which didn't last long since Hiroto then tackled him off the bed.

"Couple goals." Fubuki mumbled seeing the duo wrestle on the floor making Kazemaru giggle. And I'm talking a full 'tee-hee' he was embracing his inner uwu waifu girl.

Kidou was growing concerned for Kazemaru in his morning state, who knows what the others would be like.

Downstairs you and Toramaru were still asleep in the living room. Butlers and maids awed at the sight as they walked past doing their duties catching Gouenji's attention as he walked down the stairs.

Upon walking into the living room his gaze softened as it landed on a pile of blankets. Toramaru was up against you as your arm was around him, "Oh my god.." He whispered to himself tearing up slightly, taking a picture of his beloved pretend family.

He then recomposed himself and shook Toramaru's shoulder lightly to wake him up. It took a while but he eventually did and went upstairs to get dressed. "Oi sleepyhead wake up," He said shaking your shoulder and placing a kiss on the top of your head making you shift around. "Nice hoodie by the way."

You opened your eyes slightly and quickly groaned at the brightness of the sun, you covered your eyes with one arm while your other hand grabbed the sleeve of his jacket. "Go away." You mumbled grabbing tighter and inevitably pulling him closer.

"You're holding me, you idiot." He said laughing, you immediately opened your eyes and saw that stupid, drop dead gorgeous, absolutely breath-taking face of his.

"You're staring again," He said in a teasing tone leaning in closer, you rolled your eyes and sat up so your noses were touching.

"And what about it?" You whispered pecking him on the lips and standing up to go to your room. "Are you guys practicing at Kidokawa after school is done?" You asked walking up the stairs as he followed.

- BIKE RIDE | g. shuuyaWhere stories live. Discover now