- 𝐎.𝟏𝟔

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───   "A LETTER?" You asked into the phone, eyes widening slightly, "For me?"

"Yes, dear. You'll be pleasantly surprised."

"Father, we're leaving to go to the stadium soon." You looked behind you to the team that were entering the caravan.

You heard a short sigh from the other end, "I know, but it's important. You'll see once you get here."

"Fine, I'll be there soon."

"I'll leave it on your desk."

"Thank you," You said and quickly hung up and put your phone in your pocket, before turning to the other two managers, "I have to go home really quick, I'll be back in time for the match."

Aki turned to you, "Is everything okay?"

You nodded, "I just need to pick up something I forgot," You partially lied, waving at them before jogging down the path.

"See you later!" Haruna shouted down the path with a wave.

You quickly walked to the bridge by the riverbank, where you were being picked up from. The car door slammed shut before you clicked your seatbelt in, "Do you know anything about the letter, Martha?" You questioned from the passenger seat.

"Unfortunately not, Lady L/n."

You looked through the side view mirror. "Father told me it was important."

"And it must be if I've been ordered to pick you up at such a critical time," She answered.

A hum sounded from you, "It's such an important match too..." You opened the window and let the air blow through your hair, a ponderous expression masking your face.

Not only was it the finals, but it was also Gouenji's final match before he left for Germany. The thought made you shift uncomfortably in your seat. You had tried to think of anything else, but had made a severe lapse in your judgment when you realised your entire world basically revolved around him — everything came back to him. You weren't too sure if this was a good or bad thing.

A few minutes later, the car came to a stop in front of your residence. You thanked Martha and quickly walked in, greeting the butlers and maids you passed on the way to your room. As you closed the door, you dropped your bag on the bed and walked over to your desk. There you saw a letter that was encased with a pale pink envelope. A knowing smile crept up onto your lips.

You picked it up and sat on your bed, you held the pink letter in your hand. Your name was neatly written in cursive on the front, you flipped it to the other side and saw that it had been closed with a wax steal. Upon closer inspection, the stamp was designed with a rose with a set of initials underneath it. You smiled as you carefully opened it and unfolded the letter.

Dear L/n Y/n,

Let me start by saying that I would have much preferred to have met you in person again before leaving, but due to unforeseen circumstances it has not been possible. A shame really, I was looking forward to finally working with you.

I have been watching Inazuma Japan's matches, and by the time of writing this I am certain that the note from Endou's grandad has reached you. If it hasn't, well this is slightly awkward.

You may know that his grandad, unfortunately, passed before he was born. But once Coach Hibiki caught wind of someone resembling him, I couldn't stop myself. So, I left Inazuma Japan and went abroad in search of him. A few weeks ago, I finally found him.

- BIKE RIDE | g. shuuyaWhere stories live. Discover now