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───   "ARE YOU going to Gouenji's room?" Aki asked after you exited the bathroom. It was already evening by the time you all got back from the game, so most of the team were probably already asleep in their rooms.

"Yeah, blame him if I'm not in my room next morning." Aki giggled before nodding as you left the room, making your way to Gouenji's with your trusty little laptop.

You knocked on the door but got no answer, you quickly peeked in before hearing the shower running. You were jealous each of the guys got their own bathroom and the four girls had to share one, but it was fun getting ready with them in the mornings.

You walked in fully and collapsed on his bed, inhaling the scent. Lord you were obsessed with this boy. You laid there for a bit before picking up your laptop to rewatch the match to pick up on some faults and places to work on.

You hadn't gotten far into the game before the bathroom door clicked open, "Oh, you're here already," He said noticing you sat on his bed.

"Yeah, what did you want to talk about?" You asked, closing the laptop and putting it on his desk.

"Can you dry my hair first?" He asked, completely disregarding the question.

You looked at him confused, "Can you not do it yourself?" You asked with an eyebrow raised.

He got up and took out a hairdryer from the drawer and plugged it in, "I can, but I like the way it feels when you do it." He said pouting like a child and holding out the hairdryer.

A beat of silence passed before you smiled softly, "Fine, give it here." He passed it over before sitting on the floor in front of you, your legs on either side of him as your fingers raked through his hair.

"Your hair is so nice." You said placing the hairdryer down once it was dry.

"You say that all the time."

"Because it's true. Don't get me wrong I like the spikes-"

"Don't lie you love the spikes."

"Yeah, but I can't do this," You argued, pulling his hair back so his head was tilted upwards. You admired his features before kissing him on the nose.

"You missed."

At that moment Endou slammed the door open, "Gouenji, did I leave my- oh." He said and examined what he saw in front of him. "Oh my god where did the spikes go?" He quickly covered his eyes, closing the door a bit more.


"This is so wrong- Gouenji did I put my gloves in your bag by accident? I'm so sorry-"

"I don't think you did."

"Yep, okay cool. I won't tell anyone what I saw, I'm so sorry."


"Bye guys, um have fun good luck?" He sputtered out, very quickly scampering away.

"Good luck? What does that even..?" Gouenji trailed off as the both of you stared at the door, you then heard a faint sob.

You placed a hand over your heart, "His first time seeing you without hair gel, must've been so hard for him." You awed, wiping away a fake tear.

Gouenji chuckled at your antics as you leaned back on the wall, "You were the exact same." He jabbed, remembering the way you almost broke a mirror out of pure shock after seeing him with his natural hair.

- BIKE RIDE | g. shuuyaWhere stories live. Discover now