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[ 30/05 ] in an alternate universe when y/n transferred to raimon with gouenji instead of staying in kidokawa
(loosely based off chap 37 of honosuto - gouenji no hitorigoto)

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───   "LORD, WHO'D have thought this would be such a pain." You let out a frustrated hum as you walked into the Raimon soccer team's club house, scrolling on a tablet. An exasperated sigh escaped your lips, you tapped on it a few more times before sitting on the stack of tires and setting the tablet next to you.

"Are you okay, Y/n?" Endou voiced, startling you slightly.

You quickly whipped around, placing a hand over your heart and meeting his curious eyes, "Oh— Sorry, I didn't know you guys were already here."

He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, "Sorry, sorry. What are you looking at?" He pointed to the tablet you had set aside.

"Just some random bakery for snacks," You replied and stood up. You typed in the passcode to unlock the tablet before turning it so he could see what was displayed on the screen.

He let out a gasp, "That really expensive bakery!?" He shouted, catching everyone's attention.

With a blank stare you nodded and looked around to see their shocked expressions, "I go there all the time," You said casually as if you were talking about the weather.

Handa spoke up, "Like regularly?"

You hummed before extending a singular finger, "I'd say at least once a week."

The whole team sweat dropped, "Sometimes I forget you're filthy rich.." Kazemaru muttered before looking up at you from the floor, "If you ever need help getting rid of some I'm right here."

You laughed, "I'll keep that in mind."

"I've always wanted to eat there," Kabeyama cried.

"Why didn't you say so? I could've brought some over."

Kabeyama's eyes glistened with joy, "Really!?" You nodded.

"What's the occasion?" Endou asked, turning his attention to you.

Natsumi sighed, "Isn't it obvious?"

Aki tilted her head to the side with a confused expression, "Don't tell me you forgot."

"Forgot what?"

"We didn't forget anything?"

"Totally not, yup no.. Nothing at all.." All the first years began to deny the accusations.

You raised an eyebrow and put one hand on your hip, shifting your weight to one leg, "Then what's the occasion?"

You were met with pure silence.

"Oh come on!" You gestured around the room, "Look around, who isn't here?"

They all looked around before Kazemaru gasped, "Gouenji isn't here."

You nodded, "Actually where is he?" You mumbled, looking out the window.

"I see!" Endou snapped his fingers and pointed at you, "It's your anniversary!"

Your smile faltered, "No.. That's in two months."

"And I was expecting a good answer from you there," Aki muttered, shaking her head.

Haruna nodded meekly, "I suppose you can't expect much from soccer players.."

Endou hummed, "I really can't think of anything else."

- BIKE RIDE | g. shuuyaWhere stories live. Discover now