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───   THE NEXT morning Aki had the lovely duty of waking up the team for breakfast, she didn't find you in your room so she moved onto the team thinking you were in Gouenji's room, which you were. She knocked on his door after waking up Kazemaru and peeked in after not getting an answer.

After scanning the room she deducted that it was safe for her to enter. She walked in seeing a mess of h/c and platinum blonde hair in the bed and smiled softly before reading the note that was neatly written on his desk. She looked from the paper back to the couple, "How sweet," She whispered before waking him up, which wasn't easy since she had to make sure you didn't wake up. She did end up leaving the room with a successful smile after completing her mission.

In the room Gouenji sat up staring at the wall before drowsily rubbing the sleep from his eyes. His attention shifted to the girl that was sound asleep next to him. He narrowed his gaze trying to remember when you appeared in his room before giving up and removing the covers off him, making sure he hadn't exposed you to the cold. He went on with his morning routine and left the room after placing his jacket on you and reading the note you had left him the night before with a frown.

Aki confidently strode to the next room with her head held up high and a smile on her face, which then faltered upon realising she had to wake up Endou next. She entered his room and stood with her hands on her hips before shaking him, "Endou," She received a groan in response.

"Mom, just five more minutes..." He said in a dream like state.

"Mom? Wake up you moron! I look nothing like her!" She shouted shaking him harder as he sat up rubbing his eyes.

"Why are you shouting at me first thing in the damn morning? Aki!?" He said in disbelief.

"If you don't get up now there'll be no more food, some are already eating." She said in a monotonous voice before turning on her heel and leaving the room.

After waking up the last person Aki descended down the stairs with an exasperated sigh. "Someone's happy." Fuyuka said sarcastically seeing the green haired girl enter the kitchen as she cooked breakfast.

Aki groaned. "Endou called me mom again, Kabeyama was just on the floor when I opened the door and Kogure was hiding from me behind the door!" She complained.

"That boy, he's always up to no good." Haruna laughed lightly.

Aki collapsed into a chair that surrounded the island table. "On the bright side Y/n was in Gouenji's room last night, they're so cute!" She gushed clasping her hands togther, Haruna smiled at her friend's antics. "Oh, but also she was told by the coach to sleep in because she was up so late." She added, a concerned expression masking her face.

Fuyuka looked up from the pan, "She's already working so hard, it's only the first match." She looked back at pan with concern.

"I hope she doesn't overwork herself." Haruna added, a heavy sombre feeling filling the room.


"Football Frontier International!" Endou announced his presence, walking into the cafeteria where everyone else was.

"Seconds!" Kabeyama shouted reaching his bowl out before being joined by Midorikawa.

- BIKE RIDE | g. shuuyaWhere stories live. Discover now