- 𝐎.𝟏𝟒

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─── LOVE IS a strong word — arguably an even stronger feeling. Gouenji seems to be an unsuspecting victim of this fairy tale-like curse, unable to break it. But it wasn't like there was anything compelling him to break it, anyway.

He stared up at the ceiling later that night with only one thought in mind. You. He wasn't entirely sure when he realised his true feelings for you. All he knew was that it had been a while.

Perhaps it was when it dawned upon him that you got along with Yuuka so easily—

"Oneesan!" Yuuka cheered, leaving her brother and running over to you in the park.

"Yuuka! How's the little dove?" You asked, picking her up and spinning her around.

He smiled. The laughter of his little sister and his lover harmonising to create the perfect melody was something he wouldn't mind hearing everyday.

—After all, he cared for the both of you immensely. So seeing you get along with his dear sister so easily made his heart melt.

Or maybe it was when he was sick and you skipped school just to take care of him—

"Y/n!? What are you doing here?" Gouenji asked after seeing you barge open the door. "You should be in school."

"Father told me you were sick! Don't worry I visited your dad at work and he gave me all the stuff you need." You held up a bag that held various medicines and snacks.

"No- you'll get sick, and you're meant to be in school!"

"It's fine! Nakamura said she'll take notes for us. Now you rest, I'll make you some food."

"Does your dad know you're here?




—And ultimately ended up getting sick too.

"I told you so," He said in a teasing tone, sitting on a chair that was next to your bed.

"Shut up," You snapped before coughing violently.

"Not until you take the medicine." He gave you a look of concern before you finally gave in.


Maybe it was the fact that you were the only one to stay by his side throughout everything—

"Shuuya? Oh.. Shu.." Your heart broke seeing the boy that had been cooped up in his room for the past week.

He sat up to look at you but stayed silent.

You pursed your lips together with a concerned expression before you sat next to him, pulling him into your arms.

"Can we just stay like this.. please?" He mumbled against your shoulder, letting his tears stain your shirt.

"Of course."

—And the only one to see him in his most vulnerable state.

He sighed frustratingly and turned in his bed. He couldn't sleep. Maybe it was your laugh that a musician had perfectly composed, or your eyes that held swirls of passion, or your smile that would brighten his day instantly that made him fall in love while you were asleep.

- BIKE RIDE | g. shuuyaWhere stories live. Discover now