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─── ALTHOUGH PRACTICE was over, the team still stayed out on the pitch playing their own practice match. You were also on the pitch since, well, this was how you trained back in Kidokawa, it would only make sense for you to carry on using this training for Inazuma Japan. Especially after whatever stunt went down a day prior.

Near the building Rika and Touko stood watching the small game, "They're sure at it. Practice already ended for today, but they're still out playing like little kids." Rika said in a monotonous tone. While watching them practice was fun, her attention seemed to be somewhere else.

Touko sighed happily with her hands on her hips, "They're working up for it. The next one is the preliminary finals for Asia, after all. If they can win, they get to go to the world tournament!"

Rika let out a hum, letting her gaze narrow on your figure that was walking over to Kidou. Touko looked over at her friend, "Surely you were like them at some point. Playing without a care in the world, you know?"

"I suppose so, but who do we think Y/n is after..." Rika mumbled, completely disregarding Touko's small monologue.

"That's just how she trains."

"No way! Nobody trains like that."

"Clearly you're wrong."

Rika turned away with her eyes closed and crossed her arms before opening one eye again. Her eyes widened suddenly, "She seems awfully close to the genius playmaker!" She exclaimed, pointing to where Kidou was looking over your shoulder to read the clipboard.

"Didn't Haruna literally say Y/n was dating Gouenji..? Never mind." Touko mumbled, clicking her tongue and also looking over after seeing that Rika wasn't listening to her.

"They're suspicious." Rika carried on, seemingly not hearing what Touko said and leaning closer.


After talking with Kidou, you ran back onto the field and ran alongside Fubuki with your clipboard as Kurimatsu passed to him. He made a shot and you followed the ball, you slowed down once you reached the goal where Endou blocked it using Fist of Justice, "Good one Fubuki! If you were closer he wouldn't have been able to stop it!" You shouted.

Endou looked at his gloved hand, "With this, the Asia finals is ours." He said with a smile before high fiving you.

Your joyous moment was cut off when your coach began to speak from behind the goal, "Are you saying you'll win?" You both turned around confused — Endou more than you were. "Will you win?" He repeated, ominously looking between you both. You opted to stay silent, wondering where this would go.

"Of course!" Endou said, clearly determined to win and be the best in the world.

"With the way you are now, you won't make it to the world tournament. So, enjoy the last match while you can." He said before walking away.

You and Endou stood in a silence that no one dared to break. You gave the coach a short glance before you turned your attention to Endou who was staring at his gloved hand.

You followed his line of sight, his gloves were all tattered and ragged, clearly he had been working hard. You looked to the rest of the team before it clicked in your mind; they were struggling. With a small gasp you looked around for the coach and quickly found him, you stared at him with wide eyes while he sent you a small smile. You'd surely talk to him later.

Your attention turned to Nonomi who was by the bench. Endou also looked over and gave you a sheepish smile, "You can go without me." He said with a smile. You nodded and reluctantly left him before walking over to where the rest of the team were gathered around.

- BIKE RIDE | g. shuuyaWhere stories live. Discover now