- 𝐎.𝟏𝟓

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───   "DID IT really have to start raining now?" You mumbled, holding your hand out and feeling the small droplets of water hit your skin. "Oh well, I should be done soon anyway," You sighed before pulling your jacket around you tighter and continuing to put the equipment away after today's practice.

After everything was in the storage, you began to take measurements for the field for their next strategy of training; a fucking mudfield. All you knew was that it would be nothing less than a pain in the ass to set up. How the hell did it come down to this?

Suddenly, the rain had stopped and instead you heard each droplet create a percussive sound as it struck the taut fabric of an umbrella, "You'll get a cold if you stay out here any longer, love."

You turned to face Gouenji who had come back from the hospital after speaking to his father about his decision. Seeing him holding an umbrella over the both of you, you smiled gently, "I'll be fine. How did it go?"

"Well, the decision has been made." Gouenji said quietly, moving some of your wet hair out your face, "I'll be discussing all the details with my father tomorrow."

Endou watched from inside with curiosity and concern tinting his view. Gosh, if only the rain wasn't so heavy and you guys weren't standing in the middle of the field, he'd be able to see. Aki stood next to him with her hands clasped by her chest, "Endou?"

"I need to speak with him soon, but for now I'll leave them," He spoke, before turning and walking away. Aki followed him out before turning to look back at the beloved couple in the team, letting out a sigh and continuing with her work.

"After the last game.." Gouenji paused and took a breath, "I'll be going to Germany for my studies."

Your eyes widened and glistened with the threat of tears, the corners reddening. You struggled to hold them back as you kept your gaze trained on the boy in front of you. A single tear escaped, camouflaging itself with the rain and sliding down your cheek, betraying the flood of emotions you could no longer contain. "Germany?"

Gouenji reached out and wiped away the stray tear. With a small sniffle you unconsciously leaned into his touch. "We'll be okay," He reassured, pulling you into a hug and letting your tears stain his shirt.

"No, we're not?" You gasped out, clutching onto his shirt, "You're going to Germany! Do you know how far that is!?" You sobbed out.

Gouenji stayed quiet and let you express your emotions. He had no idea how you were going to react to the information in the first place. No one could blame you.

"I—" Love "—Need you!"

...Was that a bit selfish?

He slowly lowered his head to rest it on the top of your wet hair, "I'm so sorry, Y/n. It's what is best for me, but not for us."

"No," You shook your head, "It's not what's best for you."

His eyes widened, "Y/n, my father—"

You hit his chest and looked up at him through your tears, "You know what's best for you! Not him!"

"I can't defy him any longer," He said, his voice rising slightly, "You of all people should know this."

You pursed your lips together, "F-Fine.." You finally said, resting back onto his chest. The idea of punching his dad in the face seemed to be awfully nice right about now, but perhaps you shouldn't do that to your potential future father in law. He kept his woeful gaze on the floor as your breaths began to even out.

- BIKE RIDE | g. shuuyaWhere stories live. Discover now